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White Glo powder paint

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I bought this from Component Systems and painted some leadheads with electrostatic gun and they looked gray, the powder is transparent I guess and the lead is showing through. Next I painted some white, baked them and then painted the glow over the white but they don't seem to glow. Now the jigs glowed before I baked them and the Glow paint lit up my paint booth.

Does anybody paint White Glow and do you do something different? I have sprayed (liquid) phosphorescent over a white base before and they had a really good glow.


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I use glow powder over a white base coat. The thing is that you have to put on a lot more glow in thin coats over a white base. I do not bake my jigs and then put glow on. I put the glow on right after I put the white base on. I don't know if this makes a difference. When I heat my glow color into the white, the heat from my heat gun activated the powder, and you see the jig glow. Then I just I put my jigs under a bright light, and they do glow after I take them out and put them in a dark room. However I do not use Pro-Tec Glow powder, so I can't comment on their glow product.

Edited by cadman
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