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Salt water baits. I'm new to this.....

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......and should begin pouring my own baits sometime next week.

I live on Cape Cod, and will be pouring medium to large size stick and jerk baits that will be fished on 2-4oz lead heads.

My first POP mold looks pretty good. I'm going to seal it with Elmer's glue as recommended on this forum.

Couple questions:

1. Do I need to liquify the plastic in a microwave oven, or is it possible to use my outdoor gas cooker, on a low setting. You see, I only have one lung, and an very asthmatic to boot, so I wan't to minimize my exposure to fumes. If I use the gas cooker, will I run the risk of scortching the plastic?

2. Is there anything else I need to know for pouring large baits for salt water?


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First off buy a good respirator. And then use it!!! Nexy you need some ventilation. Not a whole lot but some. A kitchen Hood would work just fine. Then a microwave would work for you. Any sort of open flame or burner type method is going to expose you to a whole lot more fumes and then you will need a bunch more ventilation!! One lung with asthma to boot I would use a microwave with respirator and kitchen hood. But thats my opinion. Somone else will have another one.


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I used a propane burner for years, never had a problem. But stiring is pain in de' butt!

I have since moved up to the presto pots with stirrers, I would suggest you check out www.bearsbaits.com and look at his pots. If you get a pot let me know, I can give you some suggestions how to eliminate some of the fumes, dat and respirator you should be in bon' shape :yay:

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Thanks for the replies thus far.:yay:

Being able to pour them outdoors is appealing to me since it would eliminate the fumes, and the need for protection.

My plan was to pick a few nice hot and sunny days, and pour my bait. But, I was wondering if pouring plastic outside could present it's own set of problems?

Is the plastic effected by humidity? Will the plastic laminate properly if I pour two colors outdoors on a humid day?

These are just my thoughts going in, and I just want to get as much right as possible.

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