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Rob Olling

Plaster Q's

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I was thinking about Making tapered plaster pins for use on plaster molds.

Can I cast plaster pins in an unsealed plaster mold without mold release? If I have to coat the mold with mold release, what can I use to release that will clean off the part so it gets the best bond when plaster is poured over it as a part of the mold?

I plan on placing 4 plaster pins into a square pan and then pouring in the plaster for the bottem half of the mold. I have heard the marble idea but they take up a little to much room in a few of the small forms I want to try to make molds in. Also I dont want loose parts(marbles) to loose.

Item 2, does any body pour the bottem half of their mold then seal it and then place the master back in and pour the top to get small details embedded deeper and not filled so badly by the sealer. Then seal the top half last. Just thinking out loud

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