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Help! My Envirotex topcoat won't set up.

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Don't know what went wrong, I sealed with a sanding sealer (oil based), and then sprayed with Createx . When I applied the topcoat of Envirotex everything seamed fine cause it seamed to be setting up good(stopped getting any runs) now two days later it's still a gooey mess. Does anyone know away to strip all this back to wood. This is a big trout lure that Iv'e got 4 days into I don't want to throw it away. Thanks

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B) i am know pro, but on the first set of baits i did ,this happened to me as well, so i just mixed up another batch of enviro tex and it worked great!!! this stuff works great, but if your measurement are off just by a fraction it will not fully set,2 days later my bait was not cured so i precisely(sp?) measured another batch and put it over the top of the not cured enviro and it worked fine! hope this helps! Rob B)

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Thanks everybody for the replies. I tried your suggestion Robert we'll see how it turns out. I think everybody was right. I was in a hurry and its winter so it's cold and damp and I think that affected the sealer. Then I hurried through and painted over that so it may have become part of the problem. Then I mixed the Envirotex without measuring as carefully as I should(in a hurry). I did stir long enough 'cause I always do that, but I guess I always assumed that if you were a little off with the hardner it only affected curing time. Never had this problem before, but I learned my lesson.

Thing is what I'm curious about now is whether there's any way to strip back to wood from here?

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Thanks again everyone for the responses. Robert your idea of another coat of Envirotex seems to be working so the lure was saved. Still I'm curious for future reference if anyone has ever tried removing gummed up epoxy. I can't figure out whether to use alchohol for the epoxy or go to some stronger solvent to remove verything at once. Trichlorethane maybe? Ideas anyone?

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Thanks to all those who responded. Just to finish off the thread - I scraped off the whole mess yesterday as it still wasn't set up after an extra Envirotex layer and a couple of weeks with heat off and on. I am now pretty sure the problem was an oil based sanding sealer that never hardened and then bled though. Its just to dang cold and humid! Anyway I switched to a much better sealer. Its a two part penetrating wood epoxy called "Liquid Wood". Over that is Createx then an outer coat of Envirotex. Should be bomb proof! Thanks again.

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