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Howard Capone

How to make a Wood burning pen

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How to make a wood burning pen.

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How to make a wood burning Pen - a set on Flickr

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How to make a wood burning Pen

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Edited by Howard Capone
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Howard made these pens for me, and they work great. It's nice to switch pens by just pulling apart the pen at the RCA plug and inserting a new one. This comes in real handy when burning in scales of different sizes. The same design will work for any woodburning unit just modify the rca plug to what ever your pen uses.I use a Nibsburner Red Hot System at 65 watts. This pen has all the heat I need with a rapid heat time and cool off time.

Here is a link to that unit Red Hot woodburning system for your woodburning tools by Nibsburner!

Howard made 12 of these pens for me and they all work great.

Hope this answers your question.


Thanks Howard :yay:

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Thank you for your post. This will help me with some pens I have built and not liked the results. I built mine with 1/2 in. gray PVC pipe. A AA battery slides right in. The JB Weld slipped my mind at the time and used wood for the front of the pen. The pen I am making is similar to the one we use to cut and weld soft plastics. I like the tips also (for the heating tip). I appreciate the help!

Edited by kelly
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Kelly, Glad I could help. I just wanted to provide my two cents worth :twocents:.There has been a lot said about giving back to TU. Just trying to do my part.


LaPala, I am glad Spare Tire jumped in. He asked me to build a wood burning pen for him. This was my second attempt. I did not have any spec sheets. I know what I built would work with our 120 volt system.

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