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3x plastic / material

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does anyone sell or know if you can get something similar to strike king or Z-man's "3x" type material or plastic? that is very streachy and doesn't tear or break easily?

i've done a search, but no results for "3x", and too many when i add




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does anyone sell or know if you can get something similar to strike king or Z-man's "3x" type material or plastic? that is very streachy and doesn't tear or break easily?

i've done a search, but no results for "3x", and too many when i add




when 3x first came out you used to be able to get it from Calhoun for about 45-60 a gallon,. then there was some issues with it and calhoun will only sell it by the 55gal drum at about 100 per gallon. last I heard 2 years ago they would only make it on a custom run.

its the exact same stuff as 3x.

the stuff does not heat the same, it doesnt work in the microwave and the colors need to be a powdered format.

Its been a long time since I played with it. If I remember correctly you heat it to about 300 degrees then pour it at around 200 degrees.( you do have to heat it then wait till it cools to pour just forget the exact temp). it pours pretty thin but shrinks alot.

its very light 1 gallon weighs I think 2-3lbs

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