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Floating additives?

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I have used dels floating additive but I do not mix it, I just scoop the cream off the top and add it to my uncooked plastic. Stir it in super well then heat the plastic up slowly and stir often. The most I have used in a 4oz batch of plastic is 3/4 tsp, this will just about float a 1/0 hook but will start to change the texture of the plastic

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M-F has the glass microspheres. They sent me a sample. I used up twice their recommended formula and it still wouldn't float a frog hook. It would most likely work with a light wire hook with a worm but I found it to be more trouble than it's worth. It's difficult to work with as the glass micropheres are almost lighter than air. If you exhale it will blow away. When I want to throw a floating frog, I tie on a Spro!

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I use Lc's Floating bubbles a good amount. I do it two ways. I put what I want in mixing cup then pour plastic over top. It keeps almost 90% dust down. Or I just gentle mix it in with the plastic. I going to try and mix it with a little softner next time to get it wet. The dust should be none to little. If you where a resp. , and have good ventalion you should be fine. It takes 4 tbs's per cup to float a 4/0 hook excellent. I hammered the bass with bob's buzz last year. The only thing that sucks is it not color friendly. I make a lot of pearl colors they come out the best. You will have no trans. it wil be solid colors. I don't even bother with glitter. Solids with pearl accents. They look and work awesome. Hope that helps. Scott

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I've mixed the microballoons with resin. When you start stirring, it seems impossible that it will mix in, but it does, just keep stirring slowly.

Do everything slowly with this stuff, or it will go everywhere. I wear a respirator when transferring the stuff from the 15Kg bag to tuppaware boxes, after that the mask is not essential, as long as you go sloooow.


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