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1st attempt at POP molds

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I have been interested in pouring my own plastics ever since I found this web site. I will be pouring for personal use. I finally decided to try making a POP mold. These are the first two molds I have made. I still have to seal them when they dry. How do yaw think they turned out, and do yaw think they will produce good worms? Thanks for the input good or bad. Any tips would be gratefully appreciated.

mold 1.jpg

mold 2.jpg

mold 1.jpg

mold 2.jpg

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mold 2.jpg

mold 1.jpg

mold 2.jpg

mold 1.jpg

mold 2.jpg

mold 1.jpg

mold 2.jpg

mold 1.jpg

mold 2.jpg

mold 1.jpg

mold 2.jpg



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I used 2 metal pans from the dollar store, and used cheap super glue to glue down some worms that have been used but still in good enough shape to make a mold. I didn't want to ruin 10 good worms to try my first molds. After I seal the molds I will post the first pours to let yaw see if they turned out. I am going to remelt some old trick worms to try them out.

Edited by hoonin
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:lol: LOL, thanks MTfishingrods. I appreciate all the positive comments from everyone. There is one thing that I have noticed on here, is that everyone here seems to support each other. That makes newbies like myself not afraid to ask questions and post our results from trying something we are new at. Thanks again to everyone.

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Hi Hoonin,

Your molds look very nice!

You are absolutely right about the folks here.. Even though many of us have our own businesses and are trying to make a buck, everyone has each others back and is supportive.

When I first started this crazy addiction, I had many questions and there was always folks to point me in the right direction and assist.

You just holler when you have any questions or are looking for feedback..

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When you cut your sprue (fill) holes, also cut small vents in the end of the cavities (at the end of the worm).

I have made several of these molds and the ones without a vent at the end will give you air pockets in 3 of 4 worms when poured. The air gets trapped easy and will not make it up the cavity to vent.

Molds look real good!!!!!


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