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new to making plastics need advice

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I just created some of my first soft plastic fishing lures, I bought my molds from netcraft and I am pleased. My question is I have the frog mold (Plastic Worm Molds, Make Your Own Soft Plastic Fishing Lures#) its a swim frog, Im not sure if there is something special I have to do with the plastic to make it? Is it suppose to float? or do I just use the #502 liquid plastic I have with color?

I also was woundering if anyone else has tried to use acrylic pait for color, I went to walmart and tried this since i forgot to order color and it seemed to work great when mixing it with the soft plastic. The glitter I bought seemed to loose its color tho, maybe it cant withstand the temps?

Thanks everyone

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Craft glitter doesn't withstand the heat well- correct.

I too forgot to order coloring. I used some old worms and metled them in the mix to accomplish that.

What you don't want to do is use water based anything in with the plastic. There are some posts on TU about people using wax crayons as colorant. (Crayons these days are non-toxic for the kids, so they are non-toxic for the fish.) I think, back when I did it, I searched 'coloring plastic' and found some threads.

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From my understanding crayons do work good and are cheap. But are hard to get a consistant color everytime. I think Bojon used some art chalks or some thing like that he said worked pretty good. You might give him a shout. If it were me I would defenatly order some liquid color from lure craft, Mf, or Del-mart though.

Edited by pastorshane
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Hi Chapples,

It would be best to order the coloring from your supplier of choice.

As Shane said, Crayons will work but the colors will be all over the place in terms of consistancy..

My recommendation is to get anywhere from 6-10 colors to start..

Black,Brown,Purple,Watermelon, natural/nightcrawler,Green Pumpkin, etc and practice with tints and shades to get the colors you want.

Get some assortments of flake also.. (Black, red,blue,etc in the following sizes to start .015,.035)

1. Never use waterbased scents in your hot plastic. (Anything that you can buy in the store) The plastic will explode and you won't like it. :eek:

2. Pour in a well ventilated area and wear a respirator.

3. Pay attention to your plastic. A little heat vapor is okay, smoke is not. If you over heat your plastic it will effect your color and it will eventually scorch.

Whenever you have a question or a concern, post it on TU and you will get the help you need..:)

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Welcome. I am not sure exactly what molds you are using but I think most of Janns molds use an injector...Be VERY Careful if this is the case. 350 degrees is 350 degrees! Take a few minutes and read the "do's and dont's" in the plastics section...could answer a lot of questions and save a lot of trouble and potential harm. Safety first. Good luck.


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