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Petroleum Jelly Color

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Hello all this is my first post. Many thanks to the geniuses out there for their excellent posts I have learned so much from this site.

Im about to start making scents using petroleum jelly as a base.

I was wondering if any one doing this has tried to color the jelly.

I was thinking about using soft plastics color.

I had another brilliant idea recently and added glow powder paint to my plastic mix only to find it went through the plastic and bonded to the glass. :(

Thanks in advance.


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Food coloring didnt go well at all it didnt mix and sepperated to the bottom of the PG in small globules. The proscess I used was to heat till PG untill it melted then added color. You guys must have different type of food coloring to what we have or at least what I was able to get.

I tried my original idea of SP color and that worked well. Still I appreaciate the help.


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