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I'm looking for a bottompouring ladle

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revbigpapa, Nice job with the linking, couldnt be better.

Thoose are the ones I've found. The smallest of their sizes could be useful for big pours but I also would like a smaller one. Meaby I'll just have to build me one. I have a better design made up in my head where half of the top is covered. That would make for very forgiving, sloppy pours. First I just have to buy me a set of welding equipment.

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Sorry for stating the obvious earlier.Heres one on ebay I have one like its not quite a bottom pour but it does a good job if i can remember where i got it ill post that but holds 3.5- 4 oz. of lead.Here is the link

VINTAGE " LEAD LADLE " ~SMALL~ **** REDUCE **** - eBay (item 220396297709 end time May-14-09 15:10:38 PDT).

If this is not allowed I appologize to the moderators.

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This is used for bullet poring if that is what you are trying to accomplish. I like the way The other ladle pours out of the bottom of the pot. Easy to pour clean, even with dirty lead melted in it.

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