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Color settling at bottom of bottle...

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Color Question :?:

In cooler temperatures it appears that, at least LureCraft brand coloring, seperates. Example: I have a 2 fl oz bottle of chartruese that seperates into two layers during the winter. I have to shake the hello out of it to mix it up. I am in Texas and the temp doesnt get too cold but I really dont want to move all of the coloring indoors. Any ideas on how to keep coloring from seperating ?

Thanks all !

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You cant keep the colors from separating it is the way the mix it and they stuff they use to mix it with at lure craft and m-f plastic.

Just throw some nuts or ball bearings in there and shale the heck out of it.

april is playing with differet types of colors due to settling problems, which relates to consistancy, she did find a way to make it so they dont settle and once we get the finances set she will offer colors. Obviously they still will settle but it will settle more like paint and not near as fast.

Paint will settle after a while also.

I dont think it is cooler temps but how much and often you use it. I have ball bearings in my colors and shake the begeezus out of it before I use them.


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