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Powder painting after pouring

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Just responded to this in the other thread. I have tried this approach. I pour ALOT of heads, and am always looking to cut down on my mfg time.

I found that the lead would cool down too quickly. By the time I removed the head, twisted the sprue and dipped in the paint, the finish I got was not the nice gloss that powder will do give you. Means that the lead is too cool for the paint to adhere and cure. I though it would work at first, but I could not get it to go.

PErhaps, if you had a heat gun set up between your lead pot and a painint station, and reheated the head just enough and then dipped.....

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I try it nearly every time I cast jigs, it just seems like you ought to be able to do it. You can't.

One thing I do that I learned from casting bullets, is that if you have enough time and are casting enough jigs, is to put them in a coffee can or similar suitable container. As they accumulate they will begin to hold considerable heat collectively. Then if you have a hot air gun, it takes less time to heat them up and powder paint.

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