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I recently read about another fisherman doing the same thing, breaking his line while hand-stripping line like that through the drag. I think Ike is a great fisherman but view this practice as unnecessary showmanship. The last time I checked (just now), a $530.00 Daiwa Steez spinning reel advertises a, "...waterproof drag with super micro-pitch adjustment". I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess this particular reel does not have a problem with its drag sticking or freezing-up, and breaking one's line on a hot non-keeper bass near the boat, and the odds of it happening are incalculable... obviously the odds of breaking the line while hand-feeding it are far greater. This practice causes far greater impact on the line than does a bucking bass pulling a much greater length of line through an expensive shock absorbsion device (Steez Rod), so it was an accident waiting to happen.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who saw that coming...I'll bet there were some Daiwa executives who wondered why they went to all the trouble to engineer one of the best drag systems on earth, only to have one of their leading endorsers act as though it was an untrustworthy system.

It turned out to be a good lesson on how NOT to play a fish!


Edited by Dean McClain
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I'm with you Dean, I hate endorsements, something that has just started here, these people are being SUPPLIED with the best equipment (supposedly) and being paid to be 'F*** Whits', and the 'herd' mentality keeps them in business. I am that old, I can remember when surfboard manufacturers used to give you a boards and 'T shirts', to advertise for them, now you have to pay these companies for the privilege, pete

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Very funny vid.

Actually, I was his fishing partner that day. I had been teching him to death with vortex theory all day. In the end he could not take it any more.


:|:?:rolleyes::D:D Lol didnt get your joke till just now (im a lil slow at times). Dont blame the guy for jumping in, I would do the same.

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