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Longer Weedguards

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I poured some Poison Tail jigs with 6/0 and 7/0 hooks. I glued the weedguards in, but with the bigger and longer hooks, the end of the weedguard is barely past the hook point. I need 1/8" FG30 weedguards in 2" length; all that I have are 1-3/4". I looked around at most of my suppliers and everyything I can find is 1-3/4". Are there 2" weedguards available without custom ordering?

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Steve, I have not seen any longer than 1-3/4". I know you can custom order them from Kyser Lure. Here are several options. Many of your push brooms, shop dust brushes and small sweep brushes are made the same way. Actually I have a guy looking into a broom company for me that would supply weedguards cheaper. The bristles on the bottom of many push brooms, is the same material we all use for weedguards. Anyway if you find one of these broom in the store, you can take out the whole bristle assembly, and it looks like a weedguard. I do know that they make push brooms with long nylon bristles. I did have some awhile ago, and I cut them down. If had some I would give them to you, but I don't. Sorry I can't be of further help.

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Ok, thanks for the reply. I will keep the homemade option in mind and I'm going to keep my eyes open for other options. I might be able to find some FG40 weedugards in the longer length and remove enough fibers to get it down to 1/8".

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