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coffe cup warmers

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I wouldn't put pyrex on a heat source. I may be all wrong but from what I understand of pyrex is that it's designed to take lots of heat from indirect sources; but if you put a direct source of heat I'm not sure what will happen.:?

All that being said, you could try it. If it works, fine.:yay: If it doesn't, then you're out the cost of the pyrex, the heat source and whatever you had in the pyrex cup.:censored:

Oh; almost forgot the mess you'll have to clean up; lol.:oooh:


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What Jim (ghost baits) ended up doing was making insulaters for his pyrex cups out of POP. He cut a milk carton in half and set his cup in it and poured pop around it and let it set up. Then used that as an insulator for the cup. There is a thread on here about how exactly he did it step by step. I believe he was pleased with the results.

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If you want to keep your plastic warm on a burner, you can use an aluminum pot/cup. ( I found some at Wallys that work well).

I have been using the Presto Pot and Lee Pots for pouring. I actually like the Lee pot now, It has been a great tool for me for small delicate pours. I warm the plastic in the microwave then put it in either pots. If I hand pour out of the pyrex, I put it back in the microwave when it starts to cool, usually 20-30 seconds is enough. Don't risk an injury by putting a pyrex on a burner, hot plastic and shattered glass flying could be pretty dangerous.


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Would a double boiler setup work? A pan with warm or boiling water on the burner with the pyrex in the water

Don't even think of putting water anywhere within 50 yards of hot plastic if you want to keep looking like you do now. If you want to undergo several operations in the burn unit, then be my guest.


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I did try to use a coffee cup warmer or candle warmer to keep plastic warm for dipping. While my cups never shattered or cracked, the devices never kept the plastic warm enough either. When using a large aluminum can, these simple devices did a pretty good job but still not adequate for long term dipping....


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