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devcon over clear laquer question

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Hi guys . I have removed the paint on several lures . I want to finish the lures with transparent green and blue flake. The question is -" Can I use a base coat of fast dying clear laquer?" I don't care if it yellows, just want the paint and devcon to adhere properly. Many thanks! ps. I use createx paint.

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I can't answer your question because I have not used Devcon, but if I were in your shoes i'd do a test run on something small that didn't matter...either an old lure or small peice of metal or plastic depending on your needs....See how it reacts....if you don't get any type of lifting or wrinkling right off the bat you'll probably be ok as far as delamination goes....its all gonna depend on the compatability of the two products.

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I think it's a matter of solvents. Lacquer, obiously, is a laquer thinner solvent paint, and the epoxy is alcohol solvent.

I've sprayed Wildlife Colors iridescents directly over clear crank bodies, and then epoxied them, with no problems. The epoxies we use generally are alcohol solvent based, and the heat set paints don't seem to be bothered by the alcohol, once they've been set.

I think that the top coat is only to protect the paint from abrasion, instead of from the water, since the heat set paint is waterproof.

Having said that, I'm too chicken to take a chance after I've painted a lure to fish it without a top coat.

A light spray of iridescent violet over a cleared crank, and then epoxy, makes a great ghost color.

Edited by mark poulson
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Devcon doesn't contain solvent that reacts with other solvent based coatings and it won't penetrate through acrylic latex to the undercoating. That's both good and bad. Cured epoxy adheres OK to acrylic paint but that isn't a very strong anchor. Most of its strength lies in the epoxy encapsulation that surrounds the bait. That's why you can peel an epoxy coated bait pretty easily after you pierce the epoxy membrane. But it's not an indictment of epoxy as a topcoat. It's tough stuff and an epoxy finished bait can last for years without failure.

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