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LC's watermelon

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I read the posts about lurecrafs change in greenpumpkin ,yesterday I received a new bottle of the watermelon and it says diff formula, and it sure is ,will deff have to tweek it, or does anyone know where to get the old, sure would appreciate any info, thanks guys.

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It's lighter in color hav'nt played with it yet, the more I think about it the unhappier I get. I think it may be a conspiracy, Like we dont have enough problems as it is!!! It might not seem as bad as im making out, i'll let ya know by monday though. KB:popcorn:

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Lurecraft's Green Pumpkin, Del's Candy Apple Red, now Lurecraft's watermelon. Apparently our suppliers don't realize the trouble they cause when they make changes to the formulations of the colorants.

The fact that everyones colors are a little different give each supplier the chance to develop niches or whatever you want to call them to develop repeat customers. We in turn, trust them to continue to supply the colors in the same formulation so that we can have consistency in our baits.

Whether you sell baits or just make them for yourself and your friends, confidence is a big part of fishing and color creates confidence. When the color changes, the end user experiences a loss of confidence in our baits.

Hopefully, this is not going to be a trend going into the future.

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I messed with it some but I hav'nt found an exact match for what I need , I hate to waste plastic searching for the exact match on something I already had:pissed:! Man I hate to call people and tell em' a few colors are going to have a slight change. Well never thought colors would change on us gee whats next?

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Well there was another thread I had started about if anyone had any watermelon they would like to part with but it was deleted for some reason, not sure why yet. I sent a message to the staff on where I went wrong, Did not intend to do any harm,maybe it was where I offered to buy it, I don't know. Anyway, no your not crazy. KB

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I would agree, Bears site is looking better everyday. I was wonderin when this place became such tight ass's. Like this is so high class rich snob bait pourin site. I tell it how it is a tuff crap. People want to know the truth end of story. It you don't like it don't read or respond. Manufactors that sell crap should take heat it they can't then o well. Its all out good products and customer service. :censored: this

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I would agree, Bears site is looking better everyday. I was wonderin when this place became such tight ass's. Like this is so high class rich snob bait pourin site. I tell it how it is a tuff crap. People want to know the truth end of story. It you don't like it don't read or respond. Manufactors that sell crap should take heat it they can't then o well. Its all out good products and customer service. :censored: this

Damn dude your kinda out there, I didnt see the thread as I havent been on that much but I highly doubt you were involved.

theres nothing wrong with this site nor the people. its been around for a long time. unfortuanately it got a little clickish with a few. but tthats fine the site will still go on.

what I find funny is that I am guesing not sure but a very good educated guess that a bunch of people are emailing back and forth about stupid girl stuff, it usually happens this way when there are 2 or more forums out there. one guy on one site will get his panties in a wad and complain on another site then they have a RAW RAW RAW session and get others worked up then they come to the org site and say something then it goes back and forth kinda like a bunch of school girls.The worse part is most of the people involved Have absolutely no freaking clue to what they are talking about other than hear say from someone who is butthurt and crying.

I know how it works I have a bunch of forums and have seen it for years, its quite comical.

I am looking in this thread and board trying to figure out what happened and for the life of me I can't if a thread or post got deleted big f'n deal live with it.

someone mentioned in this thread that LC color had changed. DUDE **** HAPPENS BEYOND MANUFACTURERS CONTROL, dont go getting nasty about it . more than liekly there supplier doesnt carry that or changed the product. whats LC suppose to do pull it out of there ass? its happens to everyone in manufacturing and everyone in retail, when you buy supplies you have absolutely no CONTROL.

I've been on this board since its creation, these guys are not a bad group at all., Like I said some people seem to be role playing as females and gossiping to much ,

I;ve heard some of the rumors about this site too a rumor is like an asshole everyone has one, some are just bigger than others. you wanna see rumors goto a bass tourny website, or listen to the docktalk right after weigh-in and you can listen to all the rumors you want if it makes you happy.


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First I start off by saying not everyone here is a tight ass. I have meet many great people on here. By the way most of them don't even come here anymore, but I still come to this site. I come here to read about different things, and lately all I see is people being censored. Deleted post's, emails, its like your running some top notch govt. operation. It's no matter how bad our sponsors screw up we must protect them at all cost. Del you should know your a hot topic amongest the hand pouring world, and its not positive. So save the B.S. for someone who doesn't know you. I just tired of this crap years ago people said what ever they wanted now it has to be TU correct. SO thats all I'm talkiing about.

If I wanted censorship I would have voted for the a$%hole running this counttry.

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That post was probably deleted (or moved) because it was a WANT AD!!!!! I don't have to go to the rules to check on that one. There is a valid place on the forum for want ads!

Censorship is one thing but following POSTED rules is another! Read the rules if your not sure. Jerry would probably even translate them to Spanish, French or whatever language needed to be sure they are legible. The mods go out of there way to leave stupid crap like this up... Whole post, other than the lure info, should just be deleted or locked so something constructive can go forward.

I have been "out of order" on the forum for posting up controversial stuff in the past but still knew the rules to abide by....

Hate to say it but without rules, there would be choas. Everybody would have an over the top opinion and it would be expressed regardless of whether it was slanderous or valid.

I come to TU for ideas and to share ideas ON BAIT MAKING, not for personal opinions or political opinions, there are plenty of other web sites and forums for that.

Go ahead...bash away... Just my opinion!!


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First I start off by saying not everyone here is a tight ass. I have meet many great people on here. By the way most of them don't even come here anymore, but I still come to this site. I come here to read about different things, and lately all I see is people being censored. Deleted post's, emails, its like your running some top notch govt. operation. It's no matter how bad our sponsors screw up we must protect them at all cost. Del you should know your a hot topic amongest the hand pouring world, and its not positive. So save the B.S. for someone who doesn't know you. I just tired of this crap years ago people said what ever they wanted now it has to be TU correct. SO thats all I'm talkiing about.

If I wanted censorship I would have voted for the a$%hole running this counttry.

I am going to agree and disagree with some of your post,

censorship I dont like it either, but this site doesnt censor anyone.and no sponsors are being protected.

I dont like rules in a forum either like I said I run a bunch of them and I have no rules other than no porn and very nasty laguange. but you know what when a board has rules you simply abide by them it isnt that hard, I have had a bunch of my posts deleted as well, I don't make a point to complain about it publicly.

we had this very discussion on my local fishing board not to long ago

The problem with nationwide boards is people will talk out there rearends because they are not held accountable, you will never find someone saying what they say on a board to someones face or in person. but as soon as they know they wont suffer any reprocussions they will spout off. doesnt happen on instate boards cause its not to far to drive to someones place to have a personal talk with them.

I am disapointed that some of the older members on this forum has vanished, again it mostly due to emailing and pm'n back and forth like a bunch of little girls, it doesnt have to do someone getting a post deleted because they are spamming a site, or put something in the wrong place in the wrong forum. one of the problems is that guys are in competition with one another as well, so there secrets ( the ones that they got from people helping them on this board ;) ) wont be shared. some people will only share there info via PM or email, or even start and elite board like one that was started many years ago to protect there secrets( the secrets they learned from this board and other boards ;) ). whats funny is a few in that elite group have big mouths and tell everyone everything so the secrets get out anyway.

and then theres the buddy system, someone disagrees with someones buddy and all his buddies come to the rescue, why I have no clue its on every board on the WWW. again in my view its pretty childish.

this thread is going to be a perfect example of being moved or deleted, for the simple reason its off topic from the org post and went way over board, but i am sure someone is going to cry when its deleted or moved and call foul. I knew this posting on it and I am sure some others did as well, so when it happens just accept it as it has no relivance in the soft plastic section to begin with.

ps as far as your comment to me, Yeah I know I have heard, but again its just a bunch of little girls talking back and forth to each other who either, Dont have a clue to what they are talking about, are upset cause they dont get someothing for free, or have there own agenda and what they are going to try to accomplish. but will never have the balls to call me if theres a problem or concern, its girl stuff so I dont worry about it. ;)



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I usually post on the hardbaits forum, and just come here to read about the latest color, processes, and materials.

I have a general forum question.

Why do people post under nicknames? Are they ashamed of their real names?

Posting under your real name would probably help a lot of people think before they post when they get all "internet fired up". Nothing like having to stand behind what you say to bring a little perspective into things.

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Good Lord people! Can't we all just get along? JEEEZZZZZ!

People talkin bout girly stuff, and keep posting it.

As far as the name thing, if it were a members only site I would not have a problem with that. But having the thing open to all the freaks and geeks in this world, no way Jose'. If you want to know my name, PM me and I'll give ya my addy and cell # so we can talk like men.

The color thing is something that we are going to have to deal with. Be creative and experiment to find what works for you. If you have a customer that won't buy because of a problem beyond your control then maybe you don't need them as a customer. I talked to LC when the green pumpkin changed and it was beyond their control. I am ure this is the same deal.

For the posts getting deleted, I sure there is a reason. In the past I have seen people get warned before it actually happened. Evidently that took too much. It would be nice if the members post that got deleted could receive an email or PM stating why. Then maybe people would understand a little better as to why and not get all bent.

I am sure that somebody will post back, so let me have it.

Try darkenig up the new version with some black or purple.

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Simple answer is, if you are pouring for profit, or color consistency is a crucial factor in your baits, you should buy in volume.

Complaining to LC about color consistency will only spur them to complain to the actual manufacturer of the colorant, who may complain to the pigment supplier & on & on.

This isn't an isolated issue, happens in many industries with paints, stains, dyes, etc.

A common solution is to take all available containers of one single color and intermix every time you restock.

If your newest bottle of tomato red is a shade off, mixing it with the existing tomato red on hand will result in a lesser more consistent shade.

As for the complaints about the site, changes nothing.

Every member agrees to these rules or they are not granted membership.

Every rule on TU has a purpose.

Yes the previous deleted thread was a solicitation.

Yes an explanation was and is appended to every deleted thread.

No we will not take the time to warn or notify offenders when they will not take the time to follow the rules to begin with.


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