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making hard copy of soft bait for mold making

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Oh well there are many ways to make a mold I have used fiberglass resin many times, also you can purchase rtv from lurecraft that makes nice molds.There are other ways also but these I think are the easy ways of doing it. Also you can send your bait to lurecraft and they will make one for you. hope I helped.KB:yay: I forgot to mention that I've made molds out of fiberglass resin and poured baits out of them after 4 hrs.

Edited by kbbaits
forgot to mention
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The problem is, to make a hard master of your plastic bait, you need to use a soft mold material, which you are already doing. Really, there should be no need to go to a hard master, it should work from the soft.

I have not heard of hobbymold 150, but it requires a mix ratio of 10:1 by weight. Are you weighing out the components accurately or just guessing? Most of these products are very sensative to mix ratios, get them wrong and you will have problems.

One of the best buys I ever made was a set of digital gram scales, they take all the guess work out of mixing ratios.

You have already bought the hobby 150, so I just suggest more accuracy. If it does not work out, search RTV and see what others use.

Why not just go for PoP (plaster of paris). Soft master to hard mold to soft castings, is the perfect combo, plus it is very cheap.


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Thanks I did use a scale and mixed exact 10-1 i think the problem is the rtv did not set up around the bait and therefore the mold was not excact and came out to big im tring to find a solutition i know someone has had the same trouble there has to be a easy fix ???

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I would save the silicone for a future job and give PoP a go. If nothing else, it will be good molding practise for you. The techniques are basically the same.

Other molding materials other than PoP are, Durhams water putty and bondo filler. Lots of reading to be searched here on TU.

I cannot explain the problems you are having. Usually silicon products have very little shrinkage.

Don't be fooled by the very cheap price of PoP, it captures a scary amount of detail.


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If I am following you right, you want to make a hard master out of a soft plastic bait that you can use pretty much of ever?

make it out of rtv like you said then pour in fiberglass or another resin, make a few of them.

then you will be able to modify the hard bait and or make the detail a little better,

then when you get that hard master made like you want you can make molds out of anything using that master and the detail will be good.

Remember however you loose detail when making a mold out of a soft bait. so some sand paper and a dremel tool can bring back your detail to the way you want it.


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If your looking to get a master mold made which I am doing right now. I sent mine to Bear Baits to have mold made of aluminum. So I can have a hard copy so it can't get runied and so when I pour my worms that are to be copied they all will be the same. When it comes time to make POP molds of them. I belive Del-Mart Molds will do this for you too. It is not as much as you would belive it to cost. I can't give you an amount on mine at this time I have just got it sent in.

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