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Heat Stabilizer

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Del has it so does Lurecraft and Bears? are you looking for something special? Not trying to be funny but it does just that, helps prevent scorching when you pour hot (the upper reaches of your plastics range) some folks like to pour hot when they have small details to their bait also when pouring a large batch that will be cooking in the pot for some period of time helps as well.

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Heat stabilizer will help your plastic from discoloring to yellow if you keep you plastic on or in a pot for more than 20-30 mins.

the smoke your seeing on plastics is the heat stabilizer burning off. it usually burns off with in 30 mins so you need to add more. every 45mins -1 hour.

it only takes ver little, a small cap full in 2 cups of plastic will work.

all plastics have different amounts of heat stabilizer in it

in a microwave it doesnt make much difference unless your doing reheats. as you pretty much pour most of the plastic all ready.

however when doing reheats you wont have discoloration if you reheat correctly and thats cooking fresh plastic then adding your reheat stuff to cooked fresh plastic.

Edited by Delw
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For some reason when I add heatstabilizer it seem to bleed of the green dye off my flake and turn it blue. Then my purple flake seems to bleed a little to when I add it. Maybe its just me.:?

maybe its from all those blunts. lol i mean the blunt mold:drool:

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