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Slip jig how many uses can we figure out

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I just wanted to share this with you guys I had this mold for a while now but I wish I would have gotten this mold earlier I will write a list of uses but check the link Do-it Molds: Slip Jig Lure

1.I use them for inline bodies instead of brass the collar makes tying bucktail or silicone easy

2 shave the collar of paint and you have a perfect copie of a martin panther body

3.If you glue them to a wire shaft you can make a pretty good spinner bait

4 Then you can use them for any slip /bullet sinker application.

5 use them for guides in a two part pop mold

Some of the brass bodies we use are like a buck a piece replaceing them with the lead ones will save alot of coin

Feel free to add to this list if you have any ideas


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