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Any photoraphers out there?

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I want to get all angles of my bait. I am curious on how you would get nice shots like this (click the address bar and hit enter if the page doesn't load) of your baits from top. Would you use a light tent? If so, how would it have to be set up? I know most of them are made to have the camera coming in from the front.

Thanks for any input.


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(click the address bar and hit enter if the page doesn't load)
strange, but it worked. The link did not innitially load.

I think you are right, a light box is required. Notice how subtle the shadows are. Without shadow, the picture would look very flat, so they are necessary. But with flash or a single light source, the shadows can get too harsh.

Two light sources would be a better solution, a major source and a minor source, each side (not overhead). The minor light source washes out some of the shadow of the major light source. Experiment with tissue or other materials between the lamp(s) and the subject, to diffuse or reduce the harshness of the light.

Lots of experimenting is necessary. Also, slower shutter speeds and high aperture numbers will give you better focus or depth of field (if your camera allows).


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I want to get all angles of my bait. I am curious on how you would get nice shots like this (click the address bar and hit enter if the page doesn't load) of your baits from top. Would you use a light tent? If so, how would it have to be set up? I know most of them are made to have the camera coming in from the front.

Thanks for any input.


build a light tent out of PVC ( there are a bunch on links in here.)

use a white sheet to surround it, then use a tripod hold you camera right over the top of the bait.

use a white construction paper bottom plate ( sheet on the bottom) to set your baits one.

the key is the lighting make sure you shine the lights properly to avoid shadows.

very easy to do, cost 5 bucks with 3/4" pvc pipe and a white sheet.

There are also box light tents that guys mentioned as well.

BTW correct link is this



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I built my light box out of a carboard box and two dollars worth of stuff from wal-mart(muslin and two sided tape) Find a small lazy susan or buy a small one from mcmaster-carr. Mark the edge of the lazy suzan table with a marker in 1/4" increments. Draw a line on the base of the table to use as an indicator. Set up your lights and camera with tripod, insert bait and start shooting! Hope this helps, MAV

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If you want input you need to give us a link that works.

I want to get all angles of my bait. I am curious on how you would get nice shots like this (click the address bar and hit enter if the page doesn't load) of your baits from top. Would you use a light tent? If so, how would it have to be set up? I know most of them are made to have the camera coming in from the front.

Thanks for any input.


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The link works. It is just really weird and does not load initially. You have to click in the address bar and hit enter, then it loads. Refresh does not work.

heres the correct link there was an extra flw in the first one you posted and old browsers dont work real well with it.


Heres a good thread for light box's


Edited by Delw
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Thanks guys. I have seen these links for lightboxes. I made one for work, but it was out of a flimbsy box and didn't last long. I will make another.

I am wondering what I need too get the camera positioned over the baits to get the top view shot. Do I need a big box to fit it? My girlfriend had a Nikon D200 which is what I will be using. It is definately not a small camera.

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I made the box tonight. It is awesome. Me and my girl got great pics. I just need to load some software and get them off of her camera and I will show off. I'll do it after work tomorrow. I haven't got the top view pics. I either need to get a taller box, or she needs to get a macro lens. The lens we are shooting with now is not made for very close range.

Thanks for all of the tips.

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Here are a few of the photos that we shot the other night.


I tried taking some photos of the setup, but with the small room and lens we were using they didn't come out.

Box: This is pretty much the setup I used, but instead of flashes I used lamps.

Lamps: I bought a couple of desk lamps from walmart for $9.88. Pretty similar to the one in the link, but mine had a base (no clamp).

Walmart.com: Translucent Clip Lamp, White: Kids' & Teen Rooms

Bulbs: 2pk ~$10. You do not want to use soft white bulbs. They have too much of a yellow tint to them. Get some daylight colored bulbs. I used GE Energy Smart bulbs; 75 watts 6500k. Walmart.com: GE CFL Daylight Light Bulb: 20 Watt (75W Equivalent), 6-Pk: Home Improvement

2 days ago I didn't know anything about this. Now I sound like I have been doing for weeks. lol :lol:

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I am not sure you could get better picts than what you took.. Well done!

Thanks a lot. Yeah, these pics have been a spark motivation for me. This is actually my custom bait. I finally got a good pic of it so people can see it. I will have them on the website tonight or tomorrow and then I will be stlyin'.

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Heck Pigdestroyer, it looks like you've been doing it for years, not days! Great photos of great looking baits! What camera are you using?

I make lures for my own use only, not commercially. However, after retiring last year and realizing I couldn't fish "every day" I decided I could "talk about it" every day so started a web site on bass fishing, Bass Fishing, Rods, Reels, Lures, Rigs, Techniques, and Tips To Catch Bass ,into which I incorporate many images I take in my basement. I've set up a small studio, so to speak, using a small purchased studio like you did. I found the two lights that came with the studio far too weak so went to a brand of daylight bubs from n:vision but think I'll give the ones you use from GE a try.

If you visit my site you will notice the evolution of my photos from a white background to a blue one. I use Photoshop Elements for adding text etc to the images. I'm far from the quality of your images but hope to get there.

I will post photos of my so called studio later today and would appreciate suggestions from any readers of this thread on how I might improve my images.

By the way, I just use a small Canon PowerShot A540 camera.

Many thanks

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Here are a few of the photos that we shot the other night.


I tried taking some photos of the setup, but with the small room and lens we were using they didn't come out.

Box: This is pretty much the setup I used, but instead of flashes I used lamps.

Lamps: I bought a couple of desk lamps from walmart for $9.88. Pretty similar to the one in the link, but mine had a base (no clamp).

Walmart.com: Translucent Clip Lamp, White: Kids' & Teen Rooms

Bulbs: 2pk ~$10. You do not want to use soft white bulbs. They have too much of a yellow tint to them. Get some daylight colored bulbs. I used GE Energy Smart bulbs; 75 watts 6500k. Walmart.com: GE CFL Daylight Light Bulb: 20 Watt (75W Equivalent), 6-Pk: Home Improvement

2 days ago I didn't know anything about this. Now I sound like I have been doing for weeks. lol :lol:

There They Are! SWEET!

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I've attached a couple of photographs of my "photo studio", a term I use lightly. I use the two small lights that came with the kit but also use an additional "five lamps". These I purchased at Home Depot and put n:vision, 100W daylight bulbs in them. I think these are similar to the GE bulbs you use. I use Photoshop Elements to crop and add text to my images.



Your images are extremely crisp and almost devoid of shadows. How did you manage this? What camera do you use?

If you or any others reading this thread visit my web site, Bass Fishing, Rods, Reels, Lures, Rigs, Techniques, and Tips To Catch Bass and go to the following pages you will see examples of some of my latest images, where I've changed to a blue background: http://bassfishingandcatching.com/fishing-swimbaits or http://bassfishingandcatching.com/tube-baits. I will appreciate any suggestions on how to improve my images or those of other members who take photos of their lures.

Many thanks,


Bass Fishing, Rods, Reels, Lures, Rigs, Techniques, and Tips To Catch Bass

















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We used my girlfiends camera. Nikon D200. It is a very hi-end camera, but you should be able to get the same "crisp" photos by using the macro setting on your cameral. I was able to soften the shadows in Photoshop by using the levels feature.

This is for images on a white background:

If you have Photoshop go to Image>Adjustments>Levels, or Ctrl+L.

There are 3 eyedropper icons on the right; 1 for black, grey and white. Choose the one for white, then click the outer part of the shadow in your image. You will see a big change instantly. You can work you way to the darker parts of the shadow, just keep clicking around until you find a look that you like.

What you are doing with the eyedropper is picking what part of the photo is white, Photoshop automatically will adjust the rest of the photo according to your selection.

Hope this helps.

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