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Time to beat a dead horse

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Need some advice/opinions. Powder coated some jigs and got the weed guard setting up right now( Super Glue Gel) Figured I would get my stuff ready for the top coat and noticed I have no more Dev 2 ton. Run to Wally World and they don't have it. Got to thinking, What about flex coat??????

Have you used Flex Coat before or what is another alternative to DEV 2 ton.????

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Hey there Dannyp

I mostly spend most of my time in the hardbait section but i just checked this and thought i would throw in my :twocents:...

Well I would say just stick to D2T just because of the simplicity of use. Just like Cadman said its very forgiving and dries rock hard. lol I know that it dries rock hard just from beating the shore with some of my lures all day and there is barely a scratch on them:yeah:.

I have heard of people using Flexcoat as a clear coat but heard that it yellows to much. Havent used E-tex before but use a very similar product called Crystal Sheen, that stuff is very touchy but if you are trying to have a good 1/4inch of clear on your bait it will serve you well because there are lil to no bubbles in the finish.

So I would just say go out and get some more D2T but if you want to experiment with other things go for it:yay:.

Goodluck, Jacob

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My wally world stopped selling it also but a small local hardware store near me has it although for a little bit higher price. I've tried flex coat since it is what I use to glue my weed guards in with and I'll tell you that it dries dull and within a week it begins to yellow, the CSI cleear is easy and simple but it takes a long time to cure and doesn't get very hard. So far D2T has been about the best thing I've used.

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