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yay another person aking about his first pour!

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Blake, I also was thinking about ordering lure molds from Lure Craft. Go to Hobby lobby and buy some Plaster of Paris. I got 8#s of it for 5$ and it makes the best molds in my opinion. Just pour a bit into a jug, then add water untill its a watery pancake batter. Pour into a frame-work, then press your lure into it. Wait 10-15 min and it should be hard as rock and your lure should have a perfect representation of it. I was gona spend 50$ on molds and I got about 20 for 5$ out of this jug.

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Blake, the best way to get started is to purchase a starter kit, they are relatively cheap and provide enough materials to get you started. For instance most kits offer 3 colorants to choose from as well as a mold.

Lurecraft has a kit with 2 pints of plastic soft and medium 3 colors they choose and an RTV multi mold with 5 diff baits and Del's has more choice of additives and a CNC 2 piece aluminum mold. Do a little research and see what fits your plans. Also make sure you view both the how to video's and the do's and don'ts section here on the board the guys here put up some very helpful info there.

Good luck let us know how you make out!


Fishing Lure Making Products, Soft Plastics, Lead Molds, Hooks and more! - LureCraft

Del-Mart Molds

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