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Swimbait dipping blades

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For anyone out their that uses dipping blades to make swimbaits, what are you meling your plastic in? I use pyrex cups and for me to use a dipping blade it would seem that you cannot get the dipping blade in the cup without filling the cup up the whole way?

Also does anyone have a few pictures of your swimbaits that your making, i currently own a plastic mold from LC, 5x869 to be exact, and im wondering if i start using a dipping blade how would you get different colors or multiple colored swimbaits when using a dipping blade?

Right now i use 2 different cups of plastic in the top pour mold and just pour them in layers and after they are cool, i insert eyes and redip them in clear plastic to cover the eyes.

Thanks for the info.

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Goto your local conveiance store and buy a few cans of some drinks that are tall and skinny,

arizona ice tea and some sports drinks work very good.

or go to a craft store or online and buy candle molds, you can get them in 1-5" diam and up to 20" tall.


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Thanks Del, I assume your talking about drinks that have glass containers?


they are alum cans and the candle holders are alum.

to kepe them warm for a while there are a few ways to do it, some guys pack them in sand and some guys have wrapped heating bands around the candle molds.

you can even set them on a pancake griddle.

its best to heat your plastic in the micro then pour it in the cans.

also there was a guy online that used a heat lamp, in thinking about it, a heat lamp would be your best option and you wouldnt burn your plastic as the cans are thin.

Do a search for heat lamp there is a very good thread on it and if I remember correctly some pictures as well. if you cant find it I will try to look it up tonight, should be pretty easy to find.

on the drink cans you ahev to cut the lids off for them to work.


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