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another Lee problem, need advice

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I'm having a problem with one of my lee pots. I have 2 total.One works fine but the other one hasn't been so great for the last few weeks. It worked alright at first but now it seems to be burning the palstic when it's on 2. The Plastic turns to water on 2 and then I start getting these brown flakes in the plastic that look like minature sugar smacks or something. At first I thought it might be the pot. I've cleaned the pot inside and out 3 times and it's still happening. I figure it must be the heating element. After it turns to liquid it takes a while to harden back up to a paste on the 2 setting.By then the plastic is burnt (if that's what those flakes are). Is there anything that I can do to fix it or is it time for a new pot. Also, are there any other plastic production pots out on the market besides Lee?

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