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mark poulson

paint for soft plastic tails

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FYI there's a bunch of discussion on some thread about this paint drying up in the bottle even before it's opened the first time. I had this happen to me. I think the bottom line of that was the bottles do not seal well. I have one bottle left and have been putting a couple wraps of masking tape around the lid and this seems to work. So if you buy some from LC tighten the lid and put some kind of tape around it to prevent the drying up. By the way your baits are way beyond awesome :yay:

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I went back to Lurecraft, and this time I actually read the choices on the left, instead of just using the search feature. Doh!!! :o

Anyway, I found the paint for soft plastics, and read the choices.

I think the paints are probably acetone-based, and that's why they dry up so fast.

You have to make sure the cap's screwed on tight, like dip and dye.

Anyway, as soon as my unpainted swimbaits get here, and I can see what the actual soft plastic tail's color is, I'll order some of the paint.

Or I may just try sharpies, like I use to color the Triple Trout soft plastic tails.

Thanks for the info., and the website.


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