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Why are my posts being deleted?

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Why are my posts being deleted? What am I doing wrong? I thought it was because of the size of my pics but I resized them to fit in the 400x600 max size and still I get deleted. Please tell me what I have to do to post here I am getting started makeing my own baits and woould like to get some help and feedback on work I have done. Just let m eknow what I need to do or what I am doing wrong because I could use the help of more knoledgable crafstmen than I.

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You are suppose to post your lures in the gallery section. This section of the forum is just for information and not about show-N-tell. Everyone will be more than happy to post comments on how to improve on your lures, just put them in the right section. Also if you read the rules it says so in there.

Goodluck, Jacob

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@ WishinIwerFishin

You may still post pictures in the forums , BUT none of your finished lures just to show them !

Pictures in the forums section are allowed , if they do show and/or explain certain features , constructions , paint methods , working processes , etc . , etc. , on lures , jigs , tools and so on .....!

For simply displaying and showing your finished work please utilize the gallery !

greetz , diemai:yay:

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Ok I re-rerad the rules and still dont see where it states we are not supposed to post our work in this forum. Especialy when I see threads like the one I have linked below that are in the forum, it sure seems like show and tell to me. But then again I could be wrong and I'm sure somebody will tell me so.


Also why couldn't my post be moved instead of deleted, I am a member on many boards andd if a topic is started in the wrong forum it just gets moved.I see in the rules it states if you start a thread in the wrong forum it will be moved or deleted....why deleted? It take the same effort to move the thread as it does to delete it.

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I am not a moderator so I cannot answer your questions specifically, I would hate to steer you in the wrong direction, but you can look at #3 in the disclaimer and it is clear about what can be posted. Apparently, to some extent, links can be placed on the forum to video clips.

Please don't take this the wrong way as it is not intended to be negative, but this is not other sites. Therefore, since rules are posted a certain way we should try to follow them as best we can. TU is a great site with great posters who offer up tons of help and encouragement. On only one occasion have I failed to have a question answered and in that case I assume no one had the answer. It was a specific paint scheme related question. Keep posting, post pics in the gallery, and have fun.





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Ok I re-rerad the rules and still dont see where it states we are not supposed to post our work in this forum.

From #3:

Each registered member is permitted a defined amount of upload space in the forums to display images or other attachments. This free offering is for technical use & NOT for exhibiting your work or for gaining feedback on your work. We require you to use the photo gallery instead to exhibit your work

Also on the posting form you glanced over twice:

Before Posting, please ensure your post conforms to our Site Rules.

  • We have a Photo Gallery in place to display photos of your baits and catches.
  • Unsolicited advertising will not be tolerated.
Especialy when I see threads like the one I have linked below that are in the forum, it sure seems like show and tell to me. But then again I could be wrong and I'm sure somebody will tell me so.


Good point, however the submission in that thread is a "video" our video section is in but hasnt been released yet, when it does, the same rules will apply.
Also why couldn't my post be moved instead of deleted, I am a member on many boards andd if a topic is started in the wrong forum it just gets moved.I see in the rules it states if you start a thread in the wrong forum it will be moved or deleted....why deleted? It take the same effort to move the thread as it does to delete it.
Your forum posts cannot be "moved" to the gallery, its a different program altogether.

Moving this thread from "Hard Baits" to "Site info" section, as this thread has nothing to do with making hard baits

Edited by redg8r
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