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Horse Head or Sea Horse Jigs?

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Do any of you make or use this jig head?

Sea Horse Jig PHC-3-L


Looking for a mold that will accommodate a willow blade

Out this way, we use a lot of 1/2oz - 1oz style "9" shad heads with 4"- 6" knob tail swimbaits

I was wondering if the bent down nose really helps the jig from rolling on it's side caused by the torque of the blade?

And how level does it track on the straight retrieve?

Thanks, Scott

Edited by sdsaw
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@ sdsaw

I am not into casting leadheads that much , but there was a time many years ago , that I've successfully used these kinda heads(shopbought ones) on local perch and zander(walleye) .

But I've seen pictures of those molds ,.... and as far as I remember , the mold does not require to accept a BLADE size , but a certain SWIVEL size .

The blades of these heads are usually pretty small , so they won't cause side-swimming due to torque , but this can be subject to trial and error to the tinkerer ,...... try rigging bigger sized blades as the recommended ones and see , what happens ,..........they might also hit the grub or skirt attached and thus not spin ?

Willow blades won't generate as much torque , anyway .

It is rather more important not to foul up the cast in swivel by painting and/or topcoating in the end:yes: !

greetz , diemai:yay:

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Scott I too have made alot of these and like cadman said, you MUST cover the swivel. The placement of the hook eye is the determining factor as to how much it wobbles. I have thown everything from gurbs, reapers and long ribbon tail worms without any rolling problms. You can use any kind of blade without overpowering the head. I now throw 1/4 oz. head with a 6" flappin shad body kind of like that head from Gambler.


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Hey fellas, Thank you for your input :yay:

I'm going to pull the trigger and get one of these molds.

Got one of my fishing buddies to go halves on the mold with me.

He's convinced that the extra "flash" that the blade provides will make a difference in our catching.

I'll post back to this thread after we give put them through the paces

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