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I have run into a wall. I had some older rootbeer from M-F and loved the dark brown translucent color. When I ran out recently, I ordered rootbeer from Lure Craft. Colorant was not even close. Next I ordered rootbeer from M-f and it looks much like the Lurecraft. What happened to the older Rootbeer color from M-F. I had a 2oz bottle of it, and it was perfect. I am stuck and do not feel like mixing up my own batch to match.

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I dont know what kind m-f had but I will tell you a little secret.

we quite selling ours due to it was flamable and UPS would have to get the hazzard fee, april figured it wasnt worth it for people who wanted it and the paper work bs to go along with it. 2 years ago when we quit selling it I kinda figured out what it was , it can be bought anywere in almost any city.

Its WOOD STAIN thats all it was,

smelled the same works the same etc etc, whats really cool is that you can get some really cool wood stain colors, the one we had was closest to walnut and dark ok.

One thing be very easy on the use as 2-3 drops will make 4oz extreamly dark in the dark version of it.

if its too dark mix a few drops of it with a few oz's of softener and it will be just fine.

red oak and cheery is a pretty cool color as well, I used to rob the cabinet worker next door when I was playing lol


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