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painted lead

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I get used and chipped jigs from time to time, and this is what I do. Put in all your painted jigs in a cast iron pot. I bought one from Barlow's and it's worth the money. Heat up the pot with all the painted jigs in it until it melts all the lead. The hooks will float to the top the paint will burn off. Skim off all the burnt paint residue off the top, remove the hooks and discard safely. You can flux now, or I just pour the clean lead into an ingot mold. Once the ingots are cool mark them with a black marker as to soft or hard. Now you can use them in your pouring pot. Make sure you melt all of this with good ventilation. Burnt paint smells pretty bad, and sometimes smoke also.....Hope this helps. If you need more info PM me.

Edited by cadman
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