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Brush Cleaning Question

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Recently, I began using D2T as a finishing coat for my jig heads. I use an eye shadow brush to coat the heads and it works great.

When I've finished, I soak the brush in a medicine cup filled with 91% Isopropanol. The brush hairs come out of it clean and soft.

My question is...does doing so involve a release of toxic fumes from the solvent that I can't detect by smell?

I'm trying to be very careful and thought I'd better ask this question now, before I continue on with this practice. Perhaps many here have done this in their personal experiences.



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If you are referring to the alcohol, D2T mix when cleaning the brush, I would say know. I use lacquer thinner to clean my brushes. I'm sure that's more toxic than alcohol. The only thing the lacquer thinner does is shorten the life expectancy of the brush. I use it about 6 times than I throw it away.

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