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What to use to clean Melting Pots

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What do you use to clean your melting pots with??? I need to empty one and thought I would give it a good scrub down but don't want to use something that would go "poof" when I refill it.

Heard one horror story that a fellow used something and when he went back to his shop it knock him out cold and woke up in the ER.

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I rarely if ever clean my pot unless I am really having a problem with the pour spout. If you are intent on cleaning the pot, this is what I do. Drain all your lead and then unplug your pot. Let cool about 10 minutes or so. The pot will still be hot. If you have the Lee IV pots disassemble the plunger. Take out the plunger and scrape off lightly any lead with a scraper or utility knife. Then take some coarse steel wool and clean the plunger with it, the plunger will get nice and smooth. Now do the same with the pot and the steel wool. Be careful around the spout hole so you don

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