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What are your other hobbies?

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I find hobbyists don't have just ONE hobby they are interested in, many of us branch out!

My big hobby other than fishing is reptiles. I currently am raising and breeding two pairs of crested geckos, and I'm raising up a female coastal carpet python who will be up to size and need a boyfriend in a couple years.

I also enjoy working in the kitchen. Most of my creative food-ing is put towards candy making. My favorites to work on are taffy, hard candies, and chocolate truffles. The easiest for me is caramels, and while I don't really do anything creative with caramels, they sure are just about some of the tastiest things I cook up.

Oh and I dabble in about a dozen different instruments, though none well enough to perform and be paid for it.

How about you guys?

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My two hobbies are fishing and hunting and anything that is associated with the two. I just got into making some jigs this summer, but I have been making custom friction turkey calls for the last seven years.

I have found the calls are lot more time consuming and there are a lot more options when it comes to making them.

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Up to the age of 16, I was a keen soccer player, also I did gymnastics, athletics and table tennis. I played cornet in competition brass bands for 25 years, but had to quit this when I started contract work abroad.

I have been playing snooker then pool since I was 10 years old and play around 25 hours a week. I am not a master, but can hold my own in most company. I find pool a great way to meet new friends when my work takes me to a new city. I play darts also, when it is available, but it has not caught on in Indonesia yet.


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