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Uncle Grump

Storage of your stash?

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I'd like to hear about how other forum members handle the storage of their lead stash.

I tryed putting some of it on a metal shelf unit, but it didn't take long to overload the shelf and bend it. Have also used 5 gallon pails, but they also overload quite quickly.

Right now, I've got about 4-500# of lead. It's sitting on pallet, and I've got the use of a pallet mover to move it in my shed. This works well, but when I loose the access to the pallet mover....

Thanks much.


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I pour in my garage. All my lead is under my pouring table, so when I need it, it is readily accessible. I also keep all my lead in the same size ingot size (marked with a black marker S=soft H=hard) so this way I know what ratios to mix instantly.

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If that amount of lead is delivered daily, then I can understand your problem. But you are moving 15,000 jigs per day, so you can afford to buy your own hydraulic palette mover. If this is not the case, I do not understand the need to continually move the mass around.

I would build a shallow box, to contain the lead, in a corner of my workshop. Build a stout trolley, to move lead from the car to the storage box. Make half a dozen small, easy to carry boxes, that hold just enough lead to load up the melting pot, this way I would only have to grovel amongst the dirty lead once for every six pots of production.


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My neighbor is a plumber and gave me a lot of lead but he got it in bulk a long time ago and it was in a dome shape and each piece weight 50 lb. and he gave me 6 of these so it was 300 lbs. worth. Anyway I got a big cast iron pot and borrowed a friends burner from a turkey fryer and melted it down into usable size ingots, you could buy a lee ingot mold or get yourself a muffin pan and pour yourself small inmgots and then store it in a box close to where you pour. I do like cadman and store the ingots under my work bench.

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My neighbor is a plumber and gave me a lot of lead but he got it in bulk a long time ago and it was in a dome shape and each piece weight 50 lb. and he gave me 6 of these so it was 300 lbs. worth. Anyway I got a big cast iron pot and borrowed a friends burner from a turkey fryer and melted it down into usable size ingots, you could buy a lee ingot mold or get yourself a muffin pan and pour yourself small inmgots and then store it in a box close to where you pour. I do like cadman and store the ingots under my work bench.

I bought a small turkey fryer from BPS for about $20, and it works great. Best $20 I ever spent. I bought a small cast iron pot, which I melt my lead in and then spoon it out with a ladle. I also have the Lee ingot mold and 3 mini muffin pans they all work great. Makes for easy stacking............You and I think alike :yay::yay:

Edited by cadman
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When my wife worked at Safeway, she saved me "Jelly Belly" boxes which so perfectly fit 64 standard 1 lb. ingots the boxes are stackable. So, the 5 lead alloys I use are all boxed up in clean fluxed ingots ready for use. A box each handy on the floor by the work table, the rest sitting on the slab inside a storage shed. Also a bigger box with coupla hundred pounds of unalloyed soft in 8-10 lb. pugs as a reserve.

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I am not moving 15K jigs - not even close. The most I make at a time is a couple hundred - these are for myself and friends. No sales here.

Much of my lead is still "raw" - as it came from the scrap yard. Some of it - being sheet lead - is in large - odd size bundles from being folded up.

I have access to the pallet mover, as it belongs to my son - he stores seed corn / soybeans in my shed, and needs to be able to move the pallets of seed - So I've got the empty pallets, and the mover available (right now). The shed is in a state of flux all the time - stuff is always getting moved around - to make room for the latest project or sweeping, etc.

My ingots are made using a muffin tin (Salvation Army thrift store) - store them in a 5 gallon pails.

Vodkaman's idea for the small cart/trolley - this is the type of idea I was after - I was having a brain fart - not thinking along those lines. I could make a cart w/ some heavy duty casters and some 2x6s - put several pails on it, and some room for the larger hunks.

Thanks for the ideas/suggestions.


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