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New guy

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Hi All, I just want to intruduce myself. I am from South Africa and love everything about fishing. I hope I can contribute to the family and try to put back what I take out. SAfish :yay:

Welcome to TU! If you haven't already done so, I'd advise learning to use the Search function; there isn't much about lure making that hasn't been discussed before, so researching a topic thoroughly will give you lots of information from which you can often draw your own conclusions. You will learn that there are often several "best" methods for solving problems, depending upon one's skill level, material choices, etc, and that even what appears to be a concensus of opinion can change from one day to the next, depending upon who is weighing-in on a subject.

So, read a lot, soak-up a lot, keep an open mind, have fun, and never forget that the fish and the fishing are the ultimate judges of everything which is created by the members here at TU!


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