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were do you work???

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hope im posting this right? :?i was wondering were you guys do your work,shed .garage,basment,ect???? im in the middle of remodeling my 15x18 garage into a tackle making shop.:eek::eek::eek: could you post some pics of your shop . think it would be interesting to see other shops,and how there set up. maybe i could get some pointers how to set mine up as i am new to this very very very addicting hobby:drool::drool: i will post my shop pics soon thanks

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man, I put together this big reply and my connection dropped. so this time short and sweet on what I'd do if I could.

Separate wood cutting and sanding area with dust removal system as far from any separate painting area as possible. If I had room separate prep area for sealing and drying so you can have multiple projects and baits if various phases of creation and assembly. If I could I'd have a stool at a detail painting area with adequate ventilation and filtering for airbrush work. A separate room for spraying Auto Clears or paints with solvents with lots of ventilation and lighting. Create a space for cleaning up if you have the room and appropriate plumbing.

Basically just separate work areas with more counter space and room for baits to dry and drip and assemble for me would be a great addition.

I have been sanding and cutting some today so the whole issue with dust getting all over the garage is on my mind. The more you can minimize this the better.

If you can add air conditioning/heating to any area where you are storing your supplies and painting I say go for it. Although make sure any solvent based paints, etc. if you have a lot of it are stored properly. I don't have much so I am not the one to answer what 'properly' is.

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