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gary johnsen

can you make lightweight blades ALWAYS spin?????

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:)i make many of my own musky bucktails.i don't have any trouble with heavy (.040) blades spinning. BUT i have bought many lighter weight blades and many of them DO NOT SPIN ALLA TIME! i gotta have them spin every cast without having to jerk the bait.can anyone help or advise me. i would really appreciate it. thanks , gary:?

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Almost every type of in-line spinner has this problem but musky bucktails don't suffer from it as bad because, as you mentioned, the thicker and heavier blades. The only thing that I know may help the problem with the lighter blades is to match them up with slightly smaller wire diameters so that you can use a smaller clevis. From making and fishing with safety pin style bass spinners I can tell you that on larger baits if you want to drop the size of the secondary blade, the on that rotates on a clevis, you either have to use a smaller diameter wire to drop down the size of the clevis or speed the retrieve, I make a 3/8oz spinnerbait designed to us in fast current in a river and to get the bait to come through without rolling over I found that I had to downsize the blades, it works well but if I throw it into water with little or no current I have to burn the bait in order for the smaller blade to spin.

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