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GY Pumpkin w/ Black & Green

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Seems simple enough right? M-F Orange Pumpkin out of the bottle looked to be the ticket. Though after over a month of trial & error, I'm not even close. I've tried adding a touch of Del's red with it, no dice. Took out the red and used a touch of M-F Maroon, no dice. Does anyone have a match for this stick bait, I'd be extremely grateful. Thank you in advance.

Pumpkin Blk and Grn flake.jpg

Pumpkin Blk and Grn flake.jpg

Pumpkin Blk and Grn flake.jpg

Pumpkin Blk and Grn flake.jpg

Pumpkin Blk and Grn flake.jpg

Pumpkin Blk and Grn flake.jpg

Pumpkin Blk and Grn flake.jpg

Pumpkin Blk and Grn flake.jpg


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Thanks for the tips fellas...I have not tried just straight pumpkin, but will. I will also take the Rootbeer route and give that a shot. I don't have the lime flake, but will order it. I knew it was lime, but was working with the .015 green I have figuring it wouldn't throw the color off so much. But it sure does throw that color out of whack that's for sure.

If anyone has this one matched, please holler back. I'll be trying the suggestions in the evening tomorrow. Thanks again fellas, my fingers are crossed.


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I believe there is a previous post with this. I know I had to use rootbeer to get the color right. I think I used a mixture of Del's and LC's rootbeer, but I'm not positive. I will look when I get home if I remember.

Also, I had to use flake from senkosam to get it right. All the other green flake that I've tried will fade to teal when heated.


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Somebody ask me that color 2 days ago. yamamoto 196

Took me 45 minutes to get the same color.

1/2 cup of plastisol

5 drops of lurecraft oxblood

2 drops of lurecraft orange

and just add small green flakes and medium black flakes

be careful, to much green flake and the plastic will turn brown

Edited by Dumzlures
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