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powder paint vs vinyl

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I have only used vinyl paint at the beginning, and I got really bad headaches from it so I stopped using it. I can't say anything negative about it since I have not used it at the time extensively. However I'm a powder paint fanatic. There is almost nothing with a metal base that can not be painted with powder paint. If painted correctly and baked properly, I'll take powder paint over anything else. Also and I could be wrong on this, but I don't think you can put on 5 or 6 colors with vinyl paint to achieve a multi-color jig. Just my :twocents:

I'm sure you will get more accurate replies regarding vinyl paint from others.

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On the vinyl you will need to spray a white base then you color, otherwise it will not look good. The vinyl does not shine much, so you will need to clear coat and if you want the paint to be "worm proof", you will need to use a clear epoxy or Componet Systems has a new product called Seal Coat. It is ready to use, water base, worm proof and a durable finish. You need to use a respirator when spraying (or dipping) the vinyl paint.

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I'm with cadman, you can't beat powder for ease of use and durability but I give you the pros and cons of both so you can decide for yourself. The pros of powder are that it one coat and done, very simple and easy, all you need to do after painting is bake and the lure has a hard durable finish and now with fluid beds, and spray guns you have multiple ways of applying it. The cons are few but the biggest one is not being able to paint fine lines and detail, and you have to bake the lure after painting in order to have the finish durable, those are about the only things I can really call cons for the use of powder. Vinyl has alot of pros and cons but I'll give you the pros first, vinyl can be dipped, brushed, and airbrushed fairly easy for either method you choose, by using an air brush you can paint fine lines and lots of detail depending on your airbrushing skills, you can mix paints together to make different colors. The cons are its fumes can make you sick, you have to apply a white base coat no matter what color you are using and if you are using plain white you need at least 2 coats, you need to apply an epoxy top coat in order for the finish to be durable, it also needs to be thinned out if its a long time between use, if you are doing a small number of lures the drying time is fairly long, around 15 to 20 minutes between coats. Those are the main things for me now its up to you to decide which is right for you.

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