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Name on Baits

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I use a fine point calligraphy pen ($2 at Michaels). Createx black is usually the last thing I put on a bait for the kill spot so I just dip the pen in the airbrush cup. It's acrylic latex paint and won't run. The black has very finely ground pigment and flows well. Some other colors may not.

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I use Testors decal paper. You can print right on it from an inkjet printer, or by hand with a pen, then you seal it with a spray on material to keep it from running. Here is a link to the package...


Most hobby stores carry it. It's a little delicate, but once you get the hang of it no problem. And, it is so thin, the top coat goes right over it no issues!

Good luck!

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I agree with jcarman.

Decal Paper is what I use. You can utilize any font or design your computer as to offer and by doing small print I can get 80 to 100 on a sheet of decal Paper. Then just cut them out and using tweezers or whatever use want dip them in warm water and apply.

I use a spray can of clear acrylic to give them one or two lite coats over the entire sheet before you cut them out. I use a couple different epoxies over my lures with no problem. The neat thing is you have your own supply whenever you need them. One at a time or a batch.

Good Luck

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what i did was i wrote my name on a bait with india ink and with black acrylic paint thinned to the consistency of india ink, and then dipped it in my clear.

india ink ran like all get-out!!! :eek: but this was to be expected...

the thinned acrylic however was fine. this is how i'll sign my baits.

i was VERY suprised how fine i could write with the caligraphy pens, thanks Bob!

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I use a black permanent felt pen(the type to label CD's)on bright base colors , ......on dark base colors on the lure I utilize a gold or silver ink pen(the kinda also rodmakers use) .

Both of these inks are vulnerable to some topcoats , so I always apply two layers of acrylic clear over the writing , never had problems of it running this way !

good luck , diemai:yay:

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If you decide to stay with hand signature:

Sakura Pigma Micron Pen - BLICK art materials



Oh--- forgot ------ It wipes right off if you mess up and a "do- over"

When it dries (10 minutes or so) it wont pull or smear when you apply devcon.

Yep....this is what I used....these are great pens....i've used them for artwork for years.

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I use a fine point calligraphy pen ($2 at Michaels). Createx black is usually the last thing I put on a bait for the kill spot so I just dip the pen in the airbrush cup. It's acrylic latex paint and won't run. The black has very finely ground pigment and flows well. Some other colors may not.

good idea bob i think im gona try that.im going to the craft store tonight:worship::worship:

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If you decide to stay with hand signature:

Sakura Pigma Micron Pen - BLICK art materials



Oh--- forgot ------ It wipes right off if you mess up and a "do- over"

When it dries (10 minutes or so) it wont pull or smear when you apply devcon.

Just got one today at hobby lobby, I must say that these are some amazing pens. They are really small at the tip... now i just have to figure out how to make my signature look epic:?

Thanks, Jacob

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This is what it boils down to: If you're using Etex, Dicknite's, or another solvent containing clearcoat, signatures needs to be sealed with a non-solvent containing clear. As Devcon does not contain solvent, if that is your clearcoat, most any of the pens will work. By the same token, you can use a bit of Devcon to seal your sig from the solvent containing clearcoats. If that takes too long, you are not cycling your lure work effectively, or you're too impatient...but not so impaitientyou can't wait and see how this question might be answered on two different websites!



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i'm using a waterborne polyurethane as the my clear coat.

it makes regular pen ink run and so i thought it would make sharpie smear, but i just tried out a sharpie on the test bait, and it turn out it didnt smear.

i also tried a sharpie pen, and i'm waiting for the ink to dry (i can smear it by touching it). i have a feeling this is going to run.

whats wrong with asking in two different places? :P

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FWIW, my usual method of signature application is with an Extra-fine Sharpie between coats of brushed-on Dicknite's. I apply a coat of clear Createx or Parma Fascolor gloss clear and heat-set it before my next coat of DN. This has worked very well for me the last 3 years.

I don't know that there is anything wrong with posting this question simultaneously on 2 different websites...but why would you? Do any conspiracy theorists out there care to comment? :?



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