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rod repair?

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I have a rod that got stepped on.

My fault leaving it where someone could step on it, but at least I can't take the blame for being the actual step-er.

Luckily there seems to be no damage except a broken eye.

Is this something that is easy to fix? I know NOTHING about rod repair.

I hate to lose a rod, but I was planning on upgrading anyways. If I can fix this one and keep as a backup though that'd be nice. It seems like such minor damage, but I don't know what to do to fix it, and if it's even cost effective.

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Absolutely that can be fixed and is actually a very easy repair. What you want to do is to carefully clean all the rod finish and thread off from where the broken guide was on the rod. If its not broke loose entirely then take a razor blade down the foot of the guide sideways and cut the thread and epoxy loose form there to start. Once it starts to come loose it will peel off very easy. A credit card works nice to scrape any left over finish off that wants to stick. Then with a thin strip of masking tape tape new guide on in place. Take new thread and Begin wrapping new guide in place till you get to the tape, remove tape and continue wrapping to the end of guide. Then you are ready for the rod finish over the thread. Most mix just like 2 part epoxy some are just one part requiring no mixing. Saturate your wrap while turning the rod on a support. then let set up turning every 5 minutes for the first hour and every 15 minutes for the next 2-3 hours till the finish begins to set. Should be ready to fish.

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