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Calhoun plastic in Canada

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I'm looking for a (local) supplier of (insert any product here) in Canada...trying to avoid the shipping and duty...any help would be appreciated.

Tube man sells it

This is Bull**** for guys in the USA selling to canada and heres why, you are subjecting the seller to FRAUD. which is a federal offence here in the USA do to it cross's state and country lines. you are also cheating your OWN country and Government from there revenue.

this is one perfect reason why we dont use FED X anymore as they will give you the product and bill you for it if they dont get the bill paid for they bill the seller 6 months to a year later, over the 4 years we were using fed x ( 3 years ago we quite) I aqured well over 5,000 bucks of duties and tax's from people in Canada doing exactly what your trying to do.

heads up to any vendors

UPS and the post office WON'T give the product until they pay your taxs and duties.

BTW the post office is the cheapest way and you pay less in duties and tax's, however plastic takes a long time to get there and is generally lost about 30% of the time NOT to mention it may sit in customs for 1-3 months before they get it.

If you mark on the box as a gift your are also breaking the federal law and will get busted. right now isnt the time to do such a thing as the feds are starting to crack down pretty hard due to the economy.



Edited by Delw
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get it from Mike at Bass magnet there, great guy to deal with. the things you do have to buy from the US, have them sent USPS (postoffice) you have to pay the same duty and taxes as the government charges those, but you dont pay Brokerage, which UPS and Fedex both bend you over for.

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Got you beat, we had one show up over a year later and they tried to bill the poor guy for it again LMAO

5 gals of plasic in customs for over a year, they sent it back to us and it didnt look like plastic at all, didnt cook like it either.

generaly it took about 2-4 weeks to get. the loss rate on the post office to canada on air?( slow cheaper affordable one think its air?) was about 30%

UPS never lost a package to canada

fed x lost about 10-15% of them.

prioity( its the fast one think its priority) never lost one to canada, but the rates are high on plastic

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