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New Here, and want to get started...wow I love this site!!

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I stumbled onto this site a few days ago as I was trying to do some research on making my own lures. I think I'm going to enjoy...but I have a few questions to help me get started.

1.) I'm looking to start by making a soft plastic lure that has the hook and rattle already in the lure when I pour. How can I make my first mold.

2.) What are the best plastics to use for saltwater soft plastics?

3.) When I buy the plastics from the company, do I buy the dyes and glitter from that company(same brand)?

4.) What kind of paint do I need to have to paint eyes, or backs on the soft plastic lures?

Thanks for the help, can't wait to get started, and i'll keep doing research on this site, my answers might be right n front of me.

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Welcome southeasttexas,

Getting started in pouring your own baits is the right track to saving yourself money and creating a fun hobby.

As for starting out, most will tell you to get a starter kit from Luercraft or MF. This helps you get the feel of how the process works without having to shell out a substantial amount of cash. The starter kits come with a mold some plastic and coloring usually.

As for pouring saltwater baits, I have been doing it a while and it is a bit different than regular freshwater baits, due to the fact that the plastic has a lot of hardner it it which makes getting it the right temp, keeping the colors from fading, and actually pournig the bait a little trickier.

You can get coloring, molds and glitter from Lurecraft which is a good place to start.

Once you get started Tackleunderground is the best place to find help from guys that have been around for a while and have "mastered" the pouring aspect of things.

Get you a starter kit and get pouring :) It's a lot of fun !

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Thanks for all you help! I'm going to get started as soon as possible. I'll let ya'll know how the progress goes. I'm looking to make my own mold. What is the best material to make a beginner mold? Proto-type that if doesn't work I can get ride of and not waste a lot of money. I'm looking at plaster right now. MarshManiaC - I plan to mold the rattle,hook, and added floatation into the lure. One way I plan to do that is make a rest out of screws and wire. For a single hook(like a jighead with out the leadhead), kinda like a "H" brace. With the screws I can adjust the height of the cross wire. I'm thinking the plastic will form around the Hook, rattle, and floatation material. This is all talk and brainstorming right now. Ofcourse your idea is Plan B...which might be plan A...Thanks a bunch.

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