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Raw Worm

Looking for jig making video

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I have looked through TU for "How tie bass jigs videos" but I was unable to find one. I have also looked on youtube and a couple of other places with no luck. Has any one found a good web site that I can go to? I am just trying to get some basics. One of the things I am trying figure out is "how to seprate the round living rubber". I heard that all you have to do is pull it tight then cut slowly at the end.

Any help would be appreciated

Raw Worm

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Raw Worm,

On seperating round rubber, I cut the skirt material about an inch longer than needed. Then I place the skirt collar on. I then clamp the skirt in a large spring paper clip to one side of the collar. Holding the spring clip between my knees, pull the skirt tight and cut with a pair of sissors only cutting one strand at a time as close to my fingers as possible. Flip the clip to the other side and repeat. You can only cut small parts of the skirt at a time. This seems slow but with some practice you will get to where you can cut them pretty fast. This would work even better if you had three hands.


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