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Call To Action!!!!!!!!!!

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I hate to use TU as a political platform but if any of you enjoy fishing- Please contact your congress person immediatly and get them engaged!

This is just the first step of many to come. Everyone please pass the word around- post this on as many websites that will allow it!

Get busy -- we dont have much time.


Feds to 60 Million American Anglers: We don't need you

IRVINE, Calif. USA - October 5, 2009 - A recently published

administration document outlines a structure that could result in

closures of sport fishing in salt and freshwater areas across America.

The White House created an Interagency Oceans Policy Task Force in June

and gave them only 90 days to develop a comprehensive federal policy for

all U.S. coastal, ocean and Great Lakes waters. Under the guise of

'protecting' these areas, the current second phase of the Task Force

direction is to develop zoning which may permanently close vast areas of

fishing waters nationwide. This is to be completed by December 9, 2009.

Dave Pfeiffer, President of Shimano American Corporation explained, "In

spite of extensive submissions from the recreational fishing community

to the Task Force in person and in writing, they failed to include any

mention of the over one million jobs or the 60 million anglers which may

be affected by the new policies coast to coast. Input from the

environmental groups who want to put us off the water was adopted into

the report verbatim - the key points we submitted as an industry were


Recreational fishing generates a $125 billion annual economy in the

United States and supports jobs in every state according to government


Through the Sport Fish Restoration program, anglers have provided more


$5 billion through excise taxes on fishing tackle to fishery

conservation and education for decades.

In addition to the economic aspects, anglers lead the nation in

volunteer conservation efforts on behalf of improving fish habitat,

water quality and related environmental areas. "There was no mention of

the fishery conservation efforts which anglers have led for over 50

years in every state

- an environmental success story that has no equal in the world", said

Phil Morlock, Director, Environmental Affairs for Shimano. "The Task

Force did not make any distinction between the dramatic differences

between harmful commercial fishing harvest methods and recreational

fishing, even though we spelled it out for them in detail," added


Claiming to be the result of a public consultation process the report

states, "Having considered a broad range of public comments, this report

reflects the requests and concerns of all interested parties."

The original White House memo and not surprisingly the Task Force report

contains multiple references to developing a national policy where Great

Lakes and coastal regions are managed, "consistent with international

law, including customary international law as reflected in the 1982

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea" - a 300-page treaty the

U.S. has never ratified.

"We question what implications there will be for state authority and

jurisdiction in the Great Lakes and coastal regions if the U.S. adopts

the U.N. Treaty," said Pfeiffer.

The report makes it clear that future authority for implementing the

policy for coastal and inland waters will fall under White House

jurisdiction with a new National Ocean Council comprised of over 20

federal agencies at Cabinet Secretary or Deputy Secretary level. No

reference to Congressional jurisdiction is indicated.

"This significant change in U.S. policy direction is the result of a

90-day fire drill process as ordered by the President that, not

surprisingly, lacks balance, clarity and quality in the end product,"

said Morlock. "People who simply want to take their kids fishing on

public waters deserve better from their government," he added.

Shimano is joining with other members of the recreational fishing

industry to urge anglers to contact their members of Congress and the

administration to request this process be required to adopt the

economic, conservation and social contributions of recreational fishing

as key elements of the policy.

It is critical that we ensure Congressional oversight and state

jurisdiction and management continues.

E-letters can be sent to the administration and members of Congress by

visiting KeepAmericanFishing.org. The future of fishing is in your



Editor's Note: Phil Morlock is attending Congressional Sportsmen's

Caucus functions this week in Washington, DC, but will make himself

available for questions, interviews on this. Contact John Mazurkiewicz

with Catalyst Marketing for arrangements.



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I had read about this a week or so ago on a fishing blog. Initially, the idea of of such legislation did evoke some concern. However, with such a large amount of the industry and monies at stake and considering the condition of the U.S. economy. In which virtually every job and industry is crucial at this point in time. What are they thinking? I don't think it will ever come to be.

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Mmmm this sounds familiar. We have been here and wrote the book in the UK. You see the problem is that tens of thousands of voices may shout but in the big arena small voices are rarely heard. Forever here in the UK we have had small organizations heading angling, all fighting their own little corners and all being ignored :(. What you need to do is what we have done in the UK and bring together all those small voices into one very, very, large voice then shout loud and clear into the ear of your congress and be heard.

Our organization is called the Angling Trust and is the joining together of the majority of angling organizations including sea angling bodies. A large part of the trust is 'Fish Legal' which used to be the 'ACA' (Anglers Conservation Association) a body dedicated to prosecuting polluters and any individuals or organizations that destroy or engage in activity that has a detrimental effect on angling and/or the water environment. They work closley with other bodies with environmental concerns such as the World Wildlife Fund and are very active commercially. They even have members of our parliament who are members of the trust.

I have always believed that a person when native born and bred has a right to access all parts of their homeland and partake of the resources available providing due care is taken and that does not have a detrimental effect upon others or the wildlife. Good Luck and fight the good fight :teef:. As Jim says 'Anglers Unite'. Trouble is anglers tend to be somewhat apathetic and rarely follow up on their convictions and thoughts, that has to change.

Angling Trust - The Angling Trust


Edited by philB
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Copied, pasted and passed along to everyone in my address list. I'm sick and tired of our government overstepping their boundaries and trying to force everyone to live their lives as Washington sees fit. We have to fight these people every time they stick their heads out of a hole with a new agenda to infringe upon our rights.


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Seems , that the increasing problems , that anglers in Germany and Europe have to face for decades now , are now coming upon you fellow fishermen in the US as well !

You need to unite to gain a loud and strong voice against those intending to spoil your passion for you ,...... and still it could get rough !

In Germany we have two big fishermen's organisations , still remainders of our country having been separated for a long time ,..... but there are negociations taking place about a final union of these two organisations .

Most of our fishing waters are hired or owned by local fishing clubs(most likely all are members of previously mentioned organisations) and/or commercial fisheries , that also issue licenses to anglers .

The fishing clubs do a great deal about keeping their waters environmentally healthy in EVERY aspect , even if this would cause some little drawbacks in terms of unlimited fishing possibilities .

This environmental attitude is very important for those local fishing clubs and yet to every serious angler ,....... it provides exellent publicity and acknowledgement , .........as a result of this all of these "Greens" , "Animal Rights" and whatsoever organisations are unable to claim to be the one and only salvation in the country for environmental questions in public , ........people do see this way , that anglers also do a great share to protect nature and environment and not only pull out every fish around and put it in the pan !

We know , that if they had their will through , all humans were not allowed to step out of their concrete cities into the green of the woods and the blue of the lakes !

60 millions of anglers and 1 million of fishing related jobs in the US are also something not to be overlooked and taken into consideration , making it impossible to quit fishing entirely and immediately .

But I know it by experience from my homecountry , ...if the "Greens" get a foot in the door in high or even only local politics, they'll be doing their best to cut down possibilities on fishing and hunting , ..... they won't be able to do it in one big blow , but in small bits , step by step ,.... so nobody might take notice immediately , ....until it may be too late !

So I can only say , unite and raise your own anglers organisation and lobby , a big and powerful one , like also PhilB has mentioned for the UK !

Don't wanna scare you guys , but here are some issues , that we are suffering from , blame it on the "Greens" attitude and policy for almost 30 years now, bit by bit ...........does not count for every pond , lake or river , but there are always some , that have at least one of these particular restrictions :

-no chumming

-no boating

-no nightfishing

-nightfishing only for eel June thru August , sunset thru 01.00

- no brolly camps(carp anglers tent)

-no boats

-no engined boats

- bankfishing only

-no sonar

-float fishing only

-no lifebait(illegal in entire Europe now)

-lurefishing only October thru December

-lures up to 30grams only

-no trolling

-no marker buoys

-fishing from anchored boat only

-no minnow seine

-no catch and release(illegal everywhere in Germany)

-barbless only

-no livewell(almost in entire Germany)

-no competitions or tournaments

-schooling and exams to obtain a federal fishing license

-etc. , etc. , etc..........

Looks like psyclogical tactics to me to ban free access to fishing waters generally , as quoted in the first post ,...........and later come up with an alternative containing similar things as I listed above , so the anglers would gladly accept these as being the smaller issue !

good luck , diemai:yay:

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@ PhilB

Have to apologize for my wrong statement then ,...... I'm quite certain to have read it somewhere , that livebait was not allowed anymore in entire Europe , maybe that info was also wrong ?

At least in Germany that livebait restriction is not issued by any fishing clubs or local authorities but by federal law concerning animal treatment and/or fishery .

We have these restrictions , that you have described , in some waters as well , but counting for dead baitfish , off course . This is to keep fish diseases and/or parasites away ,....... makes sense to me , anyway !

greetz , diemai:yay:

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Only last week I checked out the rules on a lake I used to fish as a boy, Llyn Cynwch, North Wales:

Llyn Cynwch - No fishing allowed on this lake before 8 a.m. nor later than time on clock in car park. Bag limit: 3 fish. No spinning, ground baiting or loose feeding. Fishing method only fly, worm and maggots. Catch and release allowed if you are fly fishing (not bait) on Llyn Cynwch - however you can keep no more than three fish. Important - for fly fishing you must use barbless hooks.


information on our licences

In England, fishing is know as the largest participant sport of all. I suspect that the same is true in the USA. That is a loud noise, if you can get them all to shout together.

Good luck with the campaign. Hope you succeed were the UK failed.


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@ PhilB

Have to apologize for my wrong statement then ,...... I'm quite certain to have read it somewhere , that livebait was not allowed anymore in entire Europe , maybe that info was also wrong ?

At least in Germany that livebait restriction is not issued by any fishing clubs or local authorities but by federal law concerning animal treatment and/or fishery .

We have these restrictions , that you have described , in some waters as well , but counting for dead baitfish , off course . This is to keep fish diseases and/or parasites away ,....... makes sense to me , anyway !

greetz , diemai:yay:

Please don't apologize, it was only an observation and nothing more :yay:. We also on certain waters have restrictions re. the use of coarse fish even if dead and frozen for months :huh: and on those waters only sea deadbaits and lures may be used.


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