HawgStalker Posted October 26, 2009 Report Share Posted October 26, 2009 Hey guys, I'm new to the forums, and pouring. As you can imagine, I have a ton on questions. First, if you're not melting down used worms and such, how do you make the right kind/where do you get the plastic to pour molds? Isn't there a mixture ratio to use? Also, I was looking into a mold like this one: Pork Trailer Mold - LureCraft I think it is about the right size, and I could make my own salt/scent mixtures, etc. Where do I start? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
drof99 Posted October 28, 2009 Report Share Posted October 28, 2009 Welcome aboard! Becareful though, this can become very addictive. I personally don't like to remelt old plastic down to make baits. They may have absorbed some water, especially if they contain salt, and some of the store bought plastics can be nasty to inhale. Which brings me to my next thing. Before you start pouring you should get a few things lined up to keep you safe. Some gloves, long sleeve shirt, pants, and some kind of ventilation system. This can be as simple as a fan sucking the fumes away from you or some time of respirator, or both. As far the the plastic goes. You can get that from Bearbaits, Del-Mart molds, or Lurecraft. Those are the ones that come to mind. Just do a Google search and you'll find them easily. Several of them also advertise here so click their link. I'd suggest ordering a starter kit from one of them. It will contain everything you need to get started. The only thing you'll to mix into the plastic is color, softner if you choose, salt, and scent if you choose. If you do decide to make your own scent you can not put anything in containing ANY water. Hot plastic and water do not mix well. While you're waiting for your supplies to arrive check out some more on Tackleunderground. Just spend some time looking at some of the how to's and that'll give you a good start. Just spend the few days it'll take to get your stuff reading as much as you can and you'll be set when it shows up. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
daveh Posted October 28, 2009 Report Share Posted October 28, 2009 i started out melting down store bought baits then bought a quart of lc 502 and that was not enough. buy at least a gallon of a med plastic and that will work great on trailers. good luck and its not as hard as some think. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...