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Fluke Mold?

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If you are looking for a super fluke, look to LC for your mold. Del makes a great one also but his is aluminum.

Why not just make yourself some from pop? FREE!! ( Less the $4.00 for pop and the time + glue to seal)

PM me and I can give you directions to have unlimited fluke cavities for next to nothing...


Edited by ghostbaits
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LC's mold worked great for me and replicated a super fluke as I wanted.

It is just personal preference as to which bait suits your need. Try a sample from all.

Just the looks of the bait will not tell you how it fishes though. Put it on a hook and take it to the lake! Make your decision from what you see on the water or better yet, what the fish eat!


Edited by ghostbaits
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Who has the best RTV or POP 5" fluke mold? Looking to pick one up. Hard to tell what they look like from the pictures.

The nature of TU is to presume you are fishing bass? Different species have different prey preferences. It was a fluke, not just a play on words, that brought me to TU. The 5" fluke I fish on Pike is a lousy bass lure. It is no longer commercially available but is a terrific lure for pike. Your choice of fluke is personal and may take some research to see what will suit your style and locations best.

Mold making with plaster of paris is easy, the cheapest and it makes decent casts. I have tried Durham water puty and rtv too. RTV is ready to use quickest but most expensive. Durham, trade name is ROCK HARD! and likely is the most durable and slightly mor expensive than POP. PoP can take a few days sometimes to get it dried out enough to start using the mold.

Once you choose one or two styles of flukes to fish with, pick a few styles and it will give you choices to fish with and increase you fun on the shore and on the water. POP makes it easy to make single cavity molds and then it is easily duplicated into a multicavity system; cost just pennies.

Make a one piece single cavity of the fluke you want to use. Over fill that mold a few times pouring the hot plastisol over the top of the mold. Remove these the lure is now a master molded to a flat sheet now; trim the edges of the sheet. Then glue down several of these masters side by side in your mold making container. Pour the POP over them and make a multicavity mold very easy in this two step process. You can even mix different types into one mold this way or repeat the process and make more molds of the same. Longhorn taught this. I cant find his post with images just yet with this new system.

Just remember two points that will frustrate you no end unless you are aware of it to begin with. A tail shank too narrow is difficult to pour into in a single cavity mold without over filling it, in a two piece mold a narrow appendage like that may not allow pouring but may need some type of injection.

Second point, POP can be dried with a little heat, but somewhere between 120-150 degrees F heated plaster of paris begins to degrade, overheat it at 350 and it will crumble. Heat reverses the chemical process of set plaster of paris.

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I had Bears and sold it on ebay after fishing the bait. Personally, I did not like the action compared to a super fluke. It twisted in the water a lot and when twitched rapidly back to the boat it spins greatly. LC's is great for me and replicates a super fluke as I wanted.

It is just personal preference as to which bait suits your need. Try a sample from all.

Just the looks of the bait will not tell you how it fishes though. Put in on a hook and take it to the lake! Make your decision from what you see on the water and what your field testers tell you.


I read many of these threads, and I take peoples statments as truthful usually. But I am not gona sit here and listen to this BS. Jim you can come on here an say what lure you prefer, dats fine, but to say that lure spins, ect, either you can't rig a lure or your tryin to bad mouth Bears lures, or your just completly incompatent, not sure, but you are lying thru your teeth. That lure swims perfect, does not spin, weighted or not, I have fished that lure many ways and styles, it does not spin. Anyone who disputes this, try one and see for your self. Now I have given you the benifit of the doubt on much you have said, but now I have to wonder what else you have lied about.

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Alright guys, thanks for the replies. I'm leaning towards making my own... but I'm not going to do anything for a couple weeks. I'm still going to look around for a good mold.

Good call. Looking forward to seeing your creation!!!

Kajan... Sorry for posting that up. I should have left that part out as that certainly is not what others have seen.

My bad.. I'll try to edit that post so that others do not read the post and not try out that mold.


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Where did that craw mold come from?

I like the looks of that bait.

I ordered a couple of molds from Bear Baits,and Bear sent me a few samples .... including a couple of twitchy shads,They look great and fish just as well .... I would recommend that mold,because I'll be gettin' tha same one for myself.

"Constant Threat Custom Baits"

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