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fat basser

Need Help Buying Equiptment

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Hi guys...new to the site and want to get into painting crankbaits. It's going to be a long winter and I would really like to learn how to paint. I just bought a Iwata- Revolution Hp-cr Airbrush. What compressor do you recommend and what other accessories (hoses and other stuff) do I need? I appreciate your input.



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I have a specified airbrush compressor. However, if/when mine kicks the bucket I will probably go with an inexpensive pancake style compressor from sears or menards and hook a pressure regulator up on it. The advantage of compressors like this is that they won't run all the time, unlike most airbrush compressors. As for the hoses, I'm assuming your airbrush came with a hose of some sorts. I recommend going to a real hardware store like an ace or true value and asking someone there to help you put some adapter fittings together.

Aside from that you will need a clear coat. I recommend Devcon two ton epoxy (also at Ace). Check out some of the threads on other stuff to use too. Keep in mind that you will have to slowly rotate the lure as your clear coat dries. I use to use a drill gun and an adjustable clamp on the trigger to slowly turn the lure.

Hope this helps

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Hey Fat Basser,

Welcome to the wonderful world of lure craft. Sounds like you've got a good brush already and that's half the battle. You can pick up a good compressor at Lowe's or Home Depot or somewhere like that for around $50 or $60. It would be a good idea to take your airbrush hose with you when buying a compressor so the salespeople can help you figure out what fittings you will need to hook everything up. You will need a good regulator and a good water separator. The water separator should probably be located within 6 feet of your airbrush. The air coming out of the compressor will be hot from the friction of being compressed and warm air attracts moisture and you don't want moisture getting into your paint while your painting. A long hose between the separator and your airbrush can allow moisture to form again in your hose. It's a good idea to have your regulator within easy reach as well in case you need to adjust the air pressure while your painting. I like to turn my pressure up when painting a base coat as this will deliver more paint. I then like to turn it down when I start putting on the details. One of the next things you need to do is decide on is a coating to clear coat your baits with. If you decide on something like Devcon 2Ton epoxy or E-Tex you will need to figure out a way to rotate your lure while the top coat is drying. These two top coats are self leveling and you will need to rotate them at a low rpm so the coating won't run to the bottom of the lure. I built a lure turning wheel and used a motor out of a microwave that rotates my lures at 6 rpm. I don't know how much you know about paint, (I know next to nothing myself) but you will need to make a decision on which type of paint to use. I paint inside my house and chose a water based paint so I wouldn't have to deal with the fumes from the paint and the types of solvents you would need to use with solvent based paints. There are posts on this message board on just about every subject you can think of. I spent days just reading the posts before ever even buying my first brush. The search function in the top right corner is a wonderful thing. And then if you can't find something, or need any help, there are a bunch of great folks here who are more than willing to help. Hope this can help get you started.:yay:

good luck,


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