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Dick Nite Top-coat Availability

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Just to let you all know, I have gotten the new ingredients in from a new (reliable) vendor and have formulated and mixed our top coat.

From what I can surmise using the MSDS supplied, there is little to no difference in the product we are replacing and the new - a slight variation (4% give or take) in one of the solvents.

I have applied the top-coat to several different painted and non-painted materials, as well as a few different woods. I have been watching them for a few days now and the results are promising.

I do notice a little crazing on one of the test sticks (a thick un-thinned coat over thick modified lacquer fluorescent paint), but other than that the resistance to scratching, chipping, and hook rash is the same as it used to be.

I have probably another week to go before I am comfortable enough to release it to you guys - I would hate to rush it and find out after some of you have used it that some problem arose that I hadn't given enough time to occur.

I am going to ask a couple of you folks do some testing for me on your baits. I will email them and ship the product off on Monday if I get a reply. That way we will get tests done on multiple products with multiple application techniques and atmospheres.

Thanks for all your patience guys - I hope we have this mess nearly behind us...


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Maybe its the fact that wasn't available anymore or that e-tex is really really tickin me off, but I decided that I have to get some DN. I'm sick of epoxies chipping on edge regardless of the # of coats. Plus, I want to keep the detail. Its time I converted. I can't wait to try this stuff (assuming everything works as planned). I know this is off topic, but I do have one question for DN users: How does this hold up with swimbaits... the joints in particular. Thats my biggest issue with epoxy is that I have to layer it up to take the beating (and the edges still eventually chip). It doesn't seem to matter whether it's D2t or e-tex. I'm using resin, so the thickness for durability isn't an issue like balsa. Thanks guys!

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Maybe its the fact that wasn't available anymore or that e-tex is really really tickin me off, but I decided that I have to get some DN. I'm sick of epoxies chipping on edge regardless of the # of coats. Plus, I want to keep the detail. Its time I converted. I can't wait to try this stuff (assuming everything works as planned). I know this is off topic, but I do have one question for DN users: How does this hold up with swimbaits... the joints in particular. Thats my biggest issue with epoxy is that I have to layer it up to take the beating (and the edges still eventually chip). It doesn't seem to matter whether it's D2t or e-tex. I'm using resin, so the thickness for durability isn't an issue like balsa. Thanks guys!

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My previous reply vaporized!

Dick, congratulations on being on your way to rejoining the clear topcoat business! That is great news.


DN has more scuff and scratch resistance than epoxies, and has the advantage of not thinning out near edges, leaving you a uniform coating over the entire bait, and especially on those critical wear areas where epoxies cure much thinner than many people realize. Epoxy would perform so much better if it maintained a uniform thickness around the joints, but it simply thins out around joint edges when applied with all conventional procedures.


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My previous reply vaporized!

Dick, congratulations on being on your way to rejoining the clear topcoat business! That is great news.


DN has more scuff and scratch resistance than epoxies, and has the advantage of not thinning out near edges, leaving you a uniform coating over the entire bait, and especially on those critical wear areas where epoxies cure much thinner than many people realize. Epoxy would perform so much better if it maintained a uniform thickness around the joints, but it simply thins out around joint edges when applied with all conventional procedures.


...SOLD! Thanks Dean. So are these posts the waiting list for the new stuff??? :D

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Maybe its the fact that wasn't available anymore or that e-tex is really really tickin me off, but I decided that I have to get some DN. I'm sick of epoxies chipping on edge regardless of the # of coats. Plus, I want to keep the detail. Its time I converted. I can't wait to try this stuff (assuming everything works as planned). I know this is off topic, but I do have one question for DN users: How does this hold up with swimbaits... the joints in particular. Thats my biggest issue with epoxy is that I have to layer it up to take the beating (and the edges still eventually chip). It doesn't seem to matter whether it's D2t or e-tex. I'm using resin, so the thickness for durability isn't an issue like balsa. Thanks guys!

Hey Dick. So glad you have found new supplier and we will once again be able to get the best topcoat available. Will not use anything else.

A-Mac, in answer to your question about swimbaits.......it works great on the surface and joints. Have had no problems with DN on any part of my swimbaits.


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I am wondering if I can get on your list of possible testers? Montgomery is very humid this time of year, for some unknown reason.. been a while since we have had a few days of dry weather and very rare for us to have this weather pattern. Besides, I am looking for a quality TC to put on my lures.. I think DN just might work....... a few ounces would be good..

Thanks and if I can help, just let me know and I will PM you my address.

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Good News!

Our new formulation has passed all the tests I could throw at it. While I am sure there are some combinations of materials, atmospheric conditions, and processes I missed, it passed all the tests I did with flying colors.

Most people will find absolutely no difference between our new and old formulation. Chip/Scratch resistance, Worm resistance, Leveling qualities, viscosity, color, and everything else is THE SAME as before.

So, I would like to take this time to thank you all, first for your business in the past, and secondly for your patience during this fiasco our vendor put us into.

I have notified several folks by email, but if you have called and spoken with me in the past 2 months, you know the frame of mind I have been in (can you say, "Frazzled"?), so I may have missed some.

For your patience, I will be giving an additional 10% discount on the top-coat to all you TU members on orders placed through the end of this year as a kind of "Thank You" for being such a great bunch of folks and supporting us through this trying time.

As always, if you have questions, suggestions, or whatever, please feel free to email (Orders: TU_Order@dicknite.com or anything else: dicknite@dicknite.com) and I will be happy to talk to you!

I am going to post this as a separate thread in case anyone has tired of this one, so forgive the duplication if you see it.

Thanks again folks - you are appreciated!

Dick Nite

Dick Nite Spoons, Inc.

Fishermun's Lure-Coat

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